History article
This article was published on 15 September 2014 at 20:00.
The last change is the 15 September 2014 at 20:06.
black smoke for the election of two Constitutional Court judges by the Parliament in joint session. From what has been learned from parliamentary sources, no candidate has reached the required quorum of three fifths of the members of the Assembly, equal to 570 votes. Luciano Violante (Pd) and Donato Bruno (Fi), therefore, do not have it done. It will serve a new votazione.Si back to vote tomorrow at 18 was announced by the chairman of the House Laura Boldrini in the conference of leaders
The Assembly House and Senate were called to elect two members of the Constitutional Court and five Council of the Judiciary. For the election to the See, now in its tenth ballot, it needed a three-fifths majority of the composition of the Assembly, for the CSM (seventh ballot) is instead required a majority of three-fifths of voters. The vote was secret. The counting is in progress.
Launch of ballot cards, 802 voters
were 802, according to reports in the House, MPs voting for the election of two judges of the consultation and the lay members of the CSM in the parliament met in a joint session. Of the 802 voters were 618 representatives of the majority. In particular, stood out the lack of numerous members of the Five Star Movement. A circumstance which affected the quorum: 570 votes to elect the members of the Consulta, 490 for the lay members of the CSM.
Fi sends sms to MPs: rated Bruno
In the morning Forza Italy had reached agreement on the candidates to be voted to the Chambers. The indications of vote after the withdrawal of Catricalà, went on Donato Bruno as a candidate for the Consulta, along with the Democratic candidate Luciano Violante, while Elizabeth Casellati and Luigi Vitali have been shown to the self-governing body of the judiciary in fee Fi. The news was confirmed by the same Brown who will refer to a phone call received by Berlusconi himself. “The president Silvio Berlusconi – said the senator Fi – called me to refer you, made a number of considerations, Forza Italy has found a convergence around my name.” Fi sent, it turns out, a message to all MPs asking Blues’ support for our candidates: Donato Bruno to the Constitutional Court and Elizabeth Casellati and Luigi Vitali for the CSM. ” In a subsequent message sent to MPs Forza Italy, the request is to write over the name of Donato Bruno also to Luciano Violante to the Constitutional Court.
session began at 15
Parliament in joint session was convened at 15 The first to be called were the senatori.Sin the afternoon had spread the Transatlantic fears for a new black smoke. In many feared snipers in both a row of Forza Italian fibrillation also covered by this weekend in both the Pd (albeit marginally). And in fact, the political understanding Pd-Fi, which included the cross-voting representatives of the two parties (Bruno and Violante) has not stood the test of the House.
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