“To those who say you’re terrified assure that this month we will conclude the process of reform and we will be in a position to ensure the country other seven years of a president of the Republic referee rigorous asset and our country. It should not be a flag but a point of reference for the whole country ” . So Renzi direction.
“This first direction of 2015 already makes us understand the relevance and importance of the challenges that lie ahead , challenges related to national games and institutional the country and the party, but also of a broader nature. ” With these words the Prime Minister Matteo Renzi opens the national leadership of the Democratic Party. 2015 promises to be said, as a year “difficult” in which “we will have more than ever to reflect on the role of Italy in the Mediterranean and Europe.”
On the reforms “there is a lot of discussion strong, on the electoral law we have discussed many times and the points that unite us are really very many. We are one step from the final result on the electoral law and we are in a position to make a historic breakthrough, “said Renzi
“I consider it appropriate that the direction is deemed convened permanently and that in the coming hours the secretary will be a guest of the groups to talk unless imagine to arrive before the first vote to formalize the proposal bringing together the electors. Maybe not like to Capranica ‘Last time, “added the secretary of the Democratic Party
” Nothing ironies, no demagoguery, we will involve everyone. If someone calls you out we will do without him. We do not accept vetoes by anyone “, says Renzi indicating the method for choosing the President of the Republic, calling the comparison also M5s. Renzi invited, then, the Five stars to take the opportunity to stay at the table: “The Five stars if they want to stay at the table, there are. They have to choose whether to be in the hands of those who want to hang the other or in the institutional game. I hope I will seize the opportunity, we will do without them but it would be nice with them. ”
The Democratic Party has a “responsibility” in the election of the new President of the Republic for which “or we are in conditions to do what they need or” if you will fail as in 2013, “we will be pointed out as guilty “.
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