Friday, January 16, 2015

Greta and Vanessa, Gentiloni classroom: “The ransom unfounded news … – The Republic

Greta and Vanessa, Gentiloni classroom: "The ransom unfounded news … – The Republic

Rome – “A great country is committed to free its citizens seized. The ransom allegations baseless.” He made his debut as the minister Paul Gentiloni in the classroom to the House in its information on the release of Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo, the two aid workers held hostage in Syria from 31 July.

After the thanks due to those who have worked for the success of the operation – the services and the crisis unit of the Foreign Ministry and all authorities “that with a team led to a very important result” – summed Gentiloni briefly the stages of the seizure and subsequent release. Then he returned to the theme of the alleged payment of redemption: “I read reconstructions, about the redemption, no real foundation and carried by terrorist groups. We are against any kind of ransom.”

“Italy in terms of kidnappings – continued – keeping a behavior shared internationally, on the line of previous governments. For us the priority is always the protection of life and physical integrity of our countrymen. I consider it unacceptable that someone has said that if Vanessa and Greta are sought. Italy needs these cooperating and these volunteers. “

When it comes to fighting terrorism, he added the foreign minister, our country” is in the forefront on this issue and does not accept lessons from anyone. “He concluded with” a special thought to the families of Paul Dall’Oglio and Giovanni Lo Porto respectively seized in Syria and Pakistan July 29, 2013 and January 19, 2012 “. It said Foreign Minister , “still two events that needs Italy, two events to which we are working with the utmost commitment and discreetly day by day.”

The charges League and M5s . But the controversy did not subside. A launch accusations heavier is the League. “In Italy we introduce a norm so who gets into trouble, you make do to get out,” said President of the Veneto, Luca Zaia , a Rete Veneta. He concluded: “So against these girls face confiscation in life until you collect 12 million euro, more if it is true which was paid this amount. “

Similarly think even his fellow party Flavio Tosi :” In Italy there is a law according to which when a person is seized, immediately triggered the freezing of assets and his family to prevent the payment of ransom. Why – he asked the mayor of Verona – the state does not also apply to the kidnappings abroad. “

More prudent, however, the position of the League’s Giacomo Stucchi, MP and chairman of Copasir, according “12 million for a ransom is a figure unlikely”:

The other political forces, to force Italy to centrists, loudly require more control over NGOs and avoid trips not adequately organized in areas at risk. “Who goes in risk areas, must report to the government, and if it is discouraged from doing so, and it does the same, there must be at your own risk,” he wrote in a note the president of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Fabrizio Cicchitto (Ncd ).

As for the Democratic Party, the position on the case of the two aid workers was clearly expressed by Matteo Renzi in the direction: “Our party is recognized in what has said the Foreign Minister on the release of Greta and Vanessa. ”

In the classroom, then, after the disclosure of Gentiloni, Members of the Northern League have the uproar: “We expected five little words that she did not say, ‘we did not pay any ransom’. You do not he said it. And it is this dramatic question – accused Gianluca Pini , which then threatened: “If we do not clarify the issue, we will go to the Prosecutor to file a complaint and ask who has paid and who gave permission. “

In the same way also the M5s expressed in the House by the mouth of Maria Ivy Spadoni :” I am shocked by the futility of the presence of the minister in Gentiloni classroom. The question is, have paid or not? And she has not given us any information about it, which is shocking. “

Greta and Vanessa are feeling prosecutor. The round about noon began hearing the two girls in the barracks of the ROS (special operations group of the police in Rome) which lasted until the early hours of the afternoon. The act of investigation is conducted by investigators of the Prosecutor of the capital. Greta and Vanessa were heard by the deputy prosecutor of Rome Giancarlo Capaldo and prosecutor Francesco Scavo and Sergio Colaiocco, that the affair had opened an investigation for kidnapping for the purpose of terrorism.


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