Friday, February 13, 2015

Baby girl died, the father: “There were no cannulas” The clinic … – TGCOM

Baby girl died, the father: "There were no cannulas" The clinic … – TGCOM


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– They watched helplessly the death of their newborn daughter, a few hours after birth. The drama began after the cutting of the umbilical cord: the small was not breathing, perhaps because of the amniotic fluid in the lungs. Needed a cannula for unblocking but doctors and nurses, according to the account by the father of the child, Andrea Di Pietro, have not found. The clinic denies: “No inferences, used cannulas and catheters.”

“The little girl, after the first cry, no one answered, breathless, as it did not breathe,” says the father, 30 year old , the Corriere della Sera. “That there was a respiratory crisis was quickly realized. The doctors said that perhaps the child had swallowed amniotic fluid. And I implore them to take it away from the lungs. ‘It takes a cannula’ said one. And the other the tried without finding “he adds.

Reconstruction that the nursing home “Gibiino” Catania not accept: “firmly reject any inference and conjecture that in these hours is spread towards our work – reads a note -. Since the post-mortem examinations emerge that the death was caused by factors outside the activity of doctors of the structure, they did everything to save the life of the newborn “.

On the use of appropriate equipment, the clinic explains: “The structure is in possession of cannulas and catheters for neonatal aspiration and immediately after birth all practices intake are were performed successfully on small Nicole, who then was intubated and transferred to hospital Maria Paterno Arezzo Ragusa “.

The parents of Nicole demand justice : “They allowed a straw for my daughter died. What is it? Negligence, medical malpractice, arrogance? Give an answer. That give a response councilors and magistrates. And that take on these three hospitals in Catania where there is place for an emergency, to save a life. “

The little dead in the ambulance to the hospital there were no seats – The little girl was born to the private clinic “Nursing home Gibiino” Catania and there had respiratory problems. After having realized the gravity of the situation the doctors decided to transfer her to the hospital of the Sicilian city, but there were no seats available. The little girl died in the ambulance, but was transferred to Dubrovnik. The prosecutor has opened an investigation to establish any liability on the availability of medical and clinical facilities not adequate to Catania.

The prosecutor: “The case is complex” – “The case is complex and will take time: you have to assess the origin of the disease, the care provided, the request to specialist facilities and transportation. ” He said the prosecutor of Catania, Giovanni Salvi, on the investigation for the death of the little Nicole.

“There are investigated, necessary act” – “There are investigated, because it is necessary to record those who were given a task, to allow them to have all the elements to defend themselves. But for the moment there are no detections of specific responsibilities, “he added Salvi.

Andrea di Pietro
Giovanni Salvi
prosecutor in Catania
Nursing Home Gibiino
Nicole Di Pietro




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