Sunday, February 8, 2015

Berlusconi: “There is more democracy, we vote only what convinces us” – The Republic

Berlusconi: "There is more democracy, we vote only what convinces us" – The Republic

Rome – Let’s go back to the opposition. And we will vote on reforms only what convinces us. Silvio Berlusconi calls for an initiative led by Gianfranco Rotondi in Rome and reiterates the line: “We are relieved of a burden and we can go back to work to build a strong and compact center. We will vote if the reforms will be positive for the country, but we continue our role 360 ​​degrees of opponents. We will not accept, in short, more than up to now we have accepted. “

Then a nod to the belly dell’antiplitica:” I had a bad impression of our Parliament in the election the new President of the Republic, I saw a thousand people applauding each sentence, all happy and they gave me the impression of belonging to a privileged caste that concretized detachment deep with people outside instead we said, ‘but why’ all This commitment to elect the new President of the Republic and we lack the money to make ends meet? ‘. It was manifested the distance between politics, politicians and citizens, something that today we have to take into account. ”

So a return to his old refrain: fraud election. “This is the third government not elected by the people – says former Knight – led by a prime minister who did not take any vote, with a majority that is the result of an election, that of February 2013, in which the gap between us and them was only 0.37 percent. At that time we were not able, for our demerit, of preparing the defenses of our vow in front of the professionalism of a left that practice the counting of votes in a certain so for decades. And the result of that vote true we’ll never know. But inside we know that the result was different. “

force Italy
Sivio Berlusconi


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