Milan , February 7, 2015 – 7:49
No longer having to write his report to Silvio Berlusconi, Denis Verdini has put to write his memoirs, which are now handwritten sheets, spread out on the desk. It is no coincidence that the man of the negotiation with Matteo Renzi has started from the end of the story, because going up the path to the source you can better analyze the events, reasons and errors, and those of others. Sure, the autobiography empties into the sea dell’autoassoluzione often, and he is the defendant in Forza Italy. Who chose to write to tell her the truth.
There he is the creator of the Nazarene , “it is thanks to Denis, his intuition, that a year ago we came back in the game,” Berlusconi made his debut at the last summit of Forza Italy , before giving him the heave-ho: “But now we have to get out from misunderstanding.” Misunderstandings in the Covenant with Renzi and his management there had been too many for the leader and his ambassador could summarize them in furious quarrel the night before. And it is with a reference to the battle that begins the tale of Verdini: “In a monarchy, the king is the law. And if the king says, “I am the law,” he vents better to wait. ” So the next day, when he was recalled to court, had deserted the appointment: “I am at a funeral.” Verdini had lost three times in one go: why had jumped the Covenant, because he had been surrounded by the “magic circle”, and why – as in Fo rza Italian leader is never wrong – only he was wrong. Verdini but felt he had won because the pact was not really jumped, because he had not agreed to dimissionarsi, and because Renzi had announced not want to talk to other messengers of former Prime Minister: “I did know that, if they want, they do put in contact with my deputy to the party, Lorenzo Guerini. Go to the Nazareno to talk to him. Even Berlusconi. ”
As burned at the stake , Verdini not seem to fear the flames of hell politician. Or so it says in his memoirs: “I feel relieved, free from liability. I observe dwarfs and dancers to celebrate the end of the Covenant. I’m sitting on the river bank waiting to catch some fish. As Mike Bongiorno, I’m there: envelope number one, number two envelope and envelope number three … “. It is not known what alludes with the latter concept. He, who moves between the columns and therefore keeps on his desk a small leather-bound Gospel fiery red, often speaks and writes without wanting to decrypt. And just below, in the same paper, describes the scene of the Palace after the election of Sergio Mattarella the Hill: “The Democratic Party is waiting, that quiet ( incomprehensible phrase, ed ) … Escape grillini in mass, the commander zero driving soldiers with feet of clay, the new lever northern er who inflates his chest. And Renzi on the deck of command – free pacts – tames the tiger communist to his left, preparing reprisals, and meanwhile organizes troops as did Masaniello: those with the handkerchief here, those without handkerchief there. ”
The phrase deserves an exegesis , especially when he reveals that Renzi is preparing “reprisals”: Verdini refers perhaps to the next government standards on justice, taxation and broadcasting? Lighter is instead the reference to the premier that “organizes troops” in Parliament. They are the new leaders, who today are publicly praised by the Deputy Secretary of the Democratic Party, Debora Serracchiani, the same – when the groups were organized to save Berlusconi – he exposed himself to accuse political commercialization of the mob: “There they are, the available, claiming an mess of pottage. This would be the right symbol for their training. ” So goes the world and the (double) moral. Verdini does not care. Indeed, being the inventor of that patent, notes how “it is now easy to copy, because people keep family, does not want to go home, and knocks on the door of Renzi. In my d ay it was different. ”
And then, what is happening is the effect of the challenge for the Quirinale , during which the center has made mistakes that you feel (partly) responsible. The consultancy agreement with Angelino Alfano, for example … Verdini writes: “It was a meeting between brothers found. But we did take the feelings, losing the sense of reason. Renzi know him, would not let our desire fulfilled. It went well. Ncd could not then get out of the government. Nor should it do so. To go where now? The center is shattered. Salvini think of winning. Never win. When in France Le Pen went to the ballot with Chirac, there was no game. ” More than the analysis of the situation, or the passage of Renzi who “know” – and that evokes the close relationship with Premier Verdini – affects the inspiration to “the brothers found themselves”, the “friends of Ncd and UDC” with which – says in the script – ‘we said that in the future we must rebuild. But it will take time and patience. It will serve that Berlusconi understands what they have explained, with grace and determination, when they raised the issue of the relationship with the League and the subject of leadership. ”
As it is not an apocryphal text , are sensational revelations contained in these sheets, where – for the first time – an executive forzista defines a “mistake the end of the PDL”: “The break was a strategic error, because it is meant to divide weaken each other. If we had not done, perhaps today there would be Renzi. ” So Verdini arrives at the source of the evils of the center, which is the break with the government Letta: “I remain convinced that the crisis went open to give a sign of solidarity to Berlusconi, unjustly expelled from the Senate. But my argument was that after a fortnight we made another government. ” It is his “thesis” that conceals But another truth.
February 7, 2015 | 07 : 49

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