Here is the full text of the message of the President Sergio Mattarella to Parliament on the day of the oath.
Madam President of the Chamber of Deputies, Madam Deputy President of the Senate, Gentlemen Parliamentarians and Regional Delegates, I extend a respectful greeting to this assembly, the parliamentarians who interpret the sovereignty of our people and give voice to the regions and here represented. I thank the President and the Vice President Laura Boldrini Valeria Fedeli. I thank all those who took part in the vote. A thought deferential to my predecessor, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Giorgio Napolitano, who have played their role with commitment and dedication specimens. They deserve the affectionate gratitude of Italians. To President Napolitano who, in a difficult time, he accepted the burden of a second term, thanks particularly intense. I pay tribute to the Constitutional Court organ of high guarantee to protect our fundamental law, the Superior Council o f Magistracy safeguard the independence and all the magistrates. I feel fully the responsibility of the task that was entrusted to me. The responsibility to represent national unity first. The unity that binds inextricably our territories, from North to South. But also the unity comprising all of the expectations and aspirations of our fellow citizens. This unit, is likely to be difficult, fragile, far away. The commitment of all must be addressed to overcome the difficulties of the Italian and realize their hopes. The long crisis which lasted beyond all limits, has inflicted wounds to the social fabric of our country and put a strain on the estate of his production system. Increased injustices. Has generated new forms of poverty. Produced marginalization and loneliness. Anxieties lurk in many families for the difficulties that steal the future of girls and boys. The work is lacking for many young people, especially in the South, the loss of employment, exclusion, the diffic ulties encountered in securing rights and basic social services. These are the points of the agenda will be picky about which measured the proximity of the institutions to the people. We have to avoid the risk that the economic crisis would affect compliance with the principles and values that underpin the social pact enshrined in the Constitution. To overcome the crisis, which has seriously weakened the national economy and the European one, is powered reversal of the economic cycle, long wait. And ‘essential that the financial consolidation is accompanied by a robust growth initiative, to be based primarily on a European level. During the six-month presidency of the European Union has just ended, the government – which extend a greeting and best wishes – has appropriately pursued this strategy. There is now a need to confirm the constitutional pact that keeps the country united and that recognizes all citizens the fundamental rights and equal social and committed the Republic to remove obstacles that limit the freedom and equality. The urgent need for institutional reforms, economic and social derives from the duty to respond effectively to our community, appropriate responses to the challenges we face. Energies that exist in our country just waiting to find a way to express themselves fully. I think young people who cultivate their talents and they would like to see the merit. I think businesses, small medium and large, including major difficulties, find the courage to continue to innovate and compete in international markets. I think the public administration that has expertise in value but which must decline the constitutional principles, adapting to the possibilities offered by new technologies and to the sensitivity of the citizens, who demand participation, transparency, ease of compliance, consistency in decisions. No need for general exhortations to look to the future but rather the tenacious mobilization of al l resources of Italian society. Speaking of national unity means, then, give the country a horizon of hope. Why this hope does not remain abstract evocation, you must rebuild the bonds that hold society together. In this action are called all the living forces of our communities in the Fatherland and abroad. To their compatriots in the world goes my affectionate greeting. A thought of friendship turn to the numerous foreign communities in our country. The road to a united country is the one that indicates our Constitution, when he emphasizes the role of social formations, a corollary of full participation in public life. The crisis of representation made weak or ineffective the traditional instruments of participation, while the company emerge with strength, new modes of expression that have already produced noticeable results in the policy and its subjects. This Parliament itself has elements of novelty and change. The highest percentage of women and many young parliamentar ians. A valuable result that too many times the policy itself ends up obscuring behind controversies and conflicts. The young parliamentarians bring in these classrooms the hopes and expectations of their peers. They are also, with the ability to critique, and even anger, the desire to change. To them, in particular, ask to make a positive contribution to our being truly national community, never forgetting the essence of the parliamentary mandate. The idea, namely, that in these classrooms are not the expression of a segment of society or of special interests, but it is representative of the entire Italian people and, all together, in the service of the country. All are called to assume full responsibility. Primary condition for riaccostare Italians institutions is understanding politics as a service to the common good, the assets of one and all. E ‘need to reconnect them to the many citizens who feel the distant and alien. Democracy is not a definitive conquest but g oes inverata continuously, identifying the most appropriate formulas to the changing times. It ‘important that my oath took place while he is to complete the course of a wide and thorough reform of the second part of the Constitution. Without going into the merits of the individual solutions, which compete to Parliament, in his sovereignty, would like to express the hope that this process is accomplished with the goal of making more adequate our democracy. Reforming the constitution to strengthen the democratic process. There is also the need to overcome the logic of constant derogation to ordinary forms of the legislative process, balancing the need for the government with the procedural safeguards of proper parliamentary dialectic. As has been repeatedly stressed by President Napolitano, another priority is the adoption of a new electoral law, a subject on which Parliament is engaged. In common parlance it is customary to translate the task of the head of state in th e role of an arbitrator, the guarantor of the Constitution. It ‘an effective image. The referee is responsible for timely implementation of the rules. The referee must be – and will be – impartial. Players help him with their correctness. The President of the Republic is the guarantor of the Constitution. The strongest guarantee of our Constitution is, however, in its application. In live it day by day. Ensuring the Constitution means ensuring the right to education of our children in a modern school in a safe environment, to guarantee their right to the future. It means recognizing and implementing the right to work. It means promoting the widespread culture and the pursuit of excellence, also using new technologies and overcoming the digital divide. It means loving our environmental and artistic treasures. Is to repudiate the war and promote peace. It means ensuring the rights of the sick. It means that everyone contributes, with loyalty, to the costs of the national community. It means that you can get justice quickly. It means to make sure that women should not be afraid of violence and discrimination. It means to remove all barriers that limit the rights of people with disabilities. It means supporting the family, the resource of the company. Means ensuring the autonomy and diversity of information, the garrison of democracy. It means remembering the resistance and sacrifice of many that seventy years ago freed Italy from fascism. It means freedom. Freedom as the full development of civil rights, in the social sphere as in the economic one, in the personal sphere and affective. Ensure the Constitution is to affirm and spread a strong sense of legality. The fight against the mafia and corruption that are top priorities. Corruption has reached an unacceptable level. Eats up resources that could be aimed at citizens. Prevents the correct explanation of the rules of the market. Encourages cliques and penalizes the honest and capable. The current Pope, Francis, whom I thank for the message of greetings that has sent me, he used harsh words against the corrupt, “Men of good manners, but of bad habits.” And ‘alarming spread of the mafias, old and new, even in geographic areas historically immune. A pervasive cancer, which destroys hopes, imposes yokes and oppression, trampling rights. We must encourage the action determined the judiciary and law enforcement who, often risking their lives, are fighting to combat organized crime. In the fight against the mafia we had many heroes. I think among others to Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. To defeat the mafia must be a multitude of honest, competent, tough. And a political leadership and administrative able to do their duty. Other risks threaten our coexistence. International terrorism has launched his challenge bloody, sowing death and tragedies in the world and making innocent victims. We are horrified by the barbaric beheadings of hostages, war and bloodshed in the Middle East and Africa, to the tragic events in Paris. Our country has paid, many times, in a not too distant past, the price of hatred and intolerance. I want to remember one name: Stefano Taché, was killed in the cowardly terrorist attack on the synagogue in Rome in October 1982. He was only two years. It was our baby, an Italian child. The practice of violence in the name of religion seemed a long closed chapter in history. It should be condemned and fought those exploits purposes domain belief, violating the fundamental right to religious freedom. Consider the terrible challenge of fundamentalist terrorism in view of the clash of civilizations or religions would be a serious mistake. The threat is much deeper and wider. The attack on the foundations of freedom, democracy, tolerance and coexistence. For global threats need global responses. A phenomenon so severe you can not fight locking themselves in the fort of national states. T he preachers of hate and those who recruit assassins using the internet and the media more sophisticated, that escape, by their very nature, to a territorial dimension. The international community must deploy all its resources. Saluting the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Republic, I express a desire for intensive cooperation in this direction. The fight against terrorism must be conducted with firmness, intelligence, capacity for discernment. A tough fight that can not be separated from security: the State must ensure the right of citizens to a peaceful life and freedom from fear. The feeling of hope has characterized Europe after the war and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Hope of freedom and recovery after the war, hoping to claim the values of democracy after 1989. In the new Europe Italy has found the assertion of its sovereignty, a safe haven but also a place from which to start to meet the challenges global. The European Union is now, once again, a frontier of h ope and the prospect of a real political union should be relaunched without delay. The affirmation of the rights of citizenship is the consolidation of large European area of freedom, security and justice. The wars, bombings, political persecution, ethnic and religious, misery and famine generate large masses of refugees. Millions of individuals and families fleeing from their homes seeking salvation and their future in the Europe of law and democracy. And ‘this humanitarian emergency, serious and painful, which should see the European Union more careful, committed and supportive. Italy has done and is doing his part well and we are grateful to all our operators at various levels, for the generous commitment with which to confront this dramatic exodus. Internationally, the meritorious and indispensable action peacekeeping, which involves our military in many missions, ¬ must be consolidated with an action of political reconstruction, economic, social and cultura l development, without which every effort is destined to vanish . Armed Forces, more and more an instrument of peace and essential element of our foreign policy and security, I extend a sincere thank you, remembering those who lost their lives in the performance of his duty. We must continue to deploy the maximum effort to ensure that the delicate matter of our two riflemen Marina, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, are soon a successful conclusion, with their eventual return to their homeland. I wish to remember the civilians involved in areas which are riskier, in the valuable work of cooperation and development aid. Three Italians, Paolo Dall’Oglio father, Giovanni Lo Porto and Ignazio Scaravilli there is no news in lands difficult and tormented. They and their families must be solidarity and closeness of the Italian people, with the wish to soon return to their homes. Honourable Members, Distinguished Delegates, For our people, the face of the Republic is t he one that occurs in the life of every day: the ‘hospital, the town hall, the school, the court, the museum. I hope that in public offices and institutions can be reflected, with confidence, the faces of the Italians: the face carefree children, what curious boys. the worried faces of the elderly living alone and in difficulty the face of the suffering, the sick, and their families, who carry on their shoulders heavy loads. The face of the young people seeking work, and that of those who work it has lost. The face of those who had to close the company because of the economic situation and that of those who continue to invest despite the crisis. The face of those who give generously of their time to others. The face of those who do not surrender to the oppression of those who fight against injustice and to those seeking a way of redemption. Stories of women and men, young and elderly, with different political beliefs, cultural and religious. These faces and these stori es tell of a people who always want more free, safe and supportive. A people that feels really community and who walks with a new hope towards a future of serenity and peace. Long live the Republic, long live Italy! Palazzo Montecitorio, 03.02.2015 Message of the President Sergio Mattarella to Parliament on the day of the oath Madam President of the Chamber of Deputies, Madam Deputy President of the Senate, Gentlemen Parliamentarians and Regional Delegates, I extend a respectful greeting to this assembly, the parliamentarians who interpret the sovereignty of our people and give voice to the regions represented here. I thank the President and the Vice President Laura Boldrini Valeria Fedeli. I thank all those who took part in the vote. A thought deferential to my predecessor, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Giorgio Napolitano, who have played their role with commitment and dedication specimens. They deserve the affectionate gratitude of Italians. To President Napolitano who, in a di fficult time, he accepted the burden of a second term, thanks particularly intense. I pay tribute to the Constitutional Court organ of high guarantee to protect our fundamental law, the Superior Council of Magistracy safeguard the independence and all the magistrates. I feel fully the responsibility of the task that was entrusted to me. The responsibility to represent national unity first. The unity that binds inextricably our territories, from North to South. But also the unity comprising all of the expectations and aspirations of our fellow citizens. This unit, is likely to be difficult, fragile, far away. The commitment of all must be addressed to overcome the difficulties of the Italian and realize their hopes. The long crisis which lasted beyond all limits, has inflicted wounds to the social fabric of our country and put a strain on the estate of his production system. Increased injustices. Has generated new forms of poverty. Produced marginalization and loneliness. Anx ieties lurk in many families for the difficulties that steal the future of girls and boys. The work is lacking for many young people, especially in the South, the loss of employment, exclusion, the difficulties encountered in securing rights and basic social services. These are the points of the agenda will be picky about which measured the proximity of the institutions to the people. We have to avoid the risk that the economic crisis would affect compliance with the principles and values that underpin the social pact enshrined in the Constitution. To overcome the crisis, which has seriously weakened the national economy and the European one, is powered reversal of the economic cycle, long wait. And ‘essential that the financial consolidation is accompanied by a robust growth initiative, to be based primarily on a European level. During the six-month presidency of the European Union has just ended, the government – which extend a greeting and best wishes 8211; has appropriately pursued this strategy. There is now a need to confirm the constitutional pact that keeps the country united and that recognizes all citizens the fundamental rights and equal social and committed the Republic to remove obstacles that limit the freedom and equality. The urgent need for institutional reforms, economic and social derives from the duty to respond effectively to our community, appropriate responses to the challenges we face. Energies that exist in our country just waiting to find a way to express themselves fully. I think young people who cultivate their talents and they would like to see the merit. I think businesses, small medium and large, including major difficulties, find the courage to continue to innovate and compete in international markets. I think the public administration that has expertise in value but which must decline the constitutional principles, adapting to the possibilities offered by new technologies and to the sensitivi ty of the citizens, who demand participation, transparency, ease of compliance, consistency in decisions. No need for general exhortations to look to the future but rather the tenacious mobilization of all resources of Italian society. Speaking of national unity means, then, give the country a horizon of hope. Why this hope does not remain abstract evocation, you must rebuild the bonds that hold society together. In this action are called all the living forces of our communities in the Fatherland and abroad. To their compatriots in the world goes my affectionate greeting. A thought of friendship turn to the numerous foreign communities in our country. The road to a united country is the one that indicates our Constitution, when he emphasizes the role of social formations, a corollary of full participation in public life. The crisis of representation made weak or ineffective the traditional instruments of participation, while the company emerge with strength, new modes of exp ression that have already produced noticeable results in the policy and its subjects. This Parliament itself has elements of novelty and change. The highest percentage of women and many young parliamentarians. A valuable result that too many times the policy itself ends up obscuring behind controversies and conflicts. The young parliamentarians bring in these classrooms the hopes and expectations of their peers. They are also, with the ability to critique, and even anger, the desire to change. To them, in particular, ask to make a positive contribution to our being truly national community, never forgetting the essence of the parliamentary mandate. The idea, namely, that in these classrooms are not the expression of a segment of society or of special interests, but it is representative of the entire Italian people and, all together, in the service of the country. All are called to assume full responsibility. Primary condition for riaccostare Italians institutions is understa nding politics as a service to the common good, the assets of one and all. E ‘need to reconnect them to the many citizens who feel the distant and alien. Democracy is not a definitive conquest but goes inverata continuously, identifying the most appropriate formulas to the changing times. It ‘important that my oath took place while he is to complete the course of a wide and thorough reform of the second part of the Constitution. Without going into the merits of the individual solutions, which compete to Parliament, in his sovereignty, would like to express the hope that this process is accomplished with the goal of making more adequate our democracy. Reforming the constitution to strengthen the democratic process. There is also the need to overcome the logic of constant derogation to ordinary forms of the legislative process, balancing the need for the government with the procedural safeguards of proper parliamentary dialectic. As has been repeatedly stressed by President Napolitano, another priority is the adoption of a new electoral law, a subject on which Parliament is engaged. In common parlance it is customary to translate the task of the head of state in the role of an arbitrator, the guarantor of the Constitution. It ‘an effective image. The referee is responsible for timely implementation of the rules. The referee must be – and will be – impartial. Players help him with their correctness. The President of the Republic is the guarantor of the Constitution. The strongest guarantee of our Constitution is, however, in its application. In live it day by day. Ensuring the Constitution means ensuring the right to education of our children in a modern school in a safe environment, to guarantee their right to the future. It means recognizing and implementing the right to work. It means promoting the widespread culture and the pursuit of excellence, also using new technologies and overcoming the digital divide. It me ans loving our environmental and artistic treasures. Is to repudiate the war and promote peace. It means ensuring the rights of the sick. It means that everyone contributes, with loyalty, to the costs of the national community. It means that you can get justice quickly. It means to make sure that women should not be afraid of violence and discrimination. It means to remove all barriers that limit the rights of people with disabilities. It means supporting the family, the resource of the company. Means ensuring the autonomy and diversity of information, the garrison of democracy. It means remembering the resistance and sacrifice of many that seventy years ago freed Italy from fascism. It means freedom. Freedom as the full development of civil rights, in the social sphere as in the economic one, in the personal sphere and affective. Ensure the Constitution is to affirm and spread a strong sense of legality. The fight against the mafia and corruption that are top priorities. Co rruption has reached an unacceptable level. Eats up resources that could be aimed at citizens. Prevents the correct explanation of the rules of the market. Encourages cliques and penalizes the honest and capable. The current Pope, Francis, whom I thank for the message of greetings that has sent me, he used harsh words against the corrupt, “Men of good manners, but of bad habits.” And ‘alarming spread of the mafias, old and new, even in geographic areas historically immune. A pervasive cancer, which destroys hopes, imposes yokes and oppression, trampling rights. We must encourage the action determined the judiciary and law enforcement who, often risking their lives, are fighting to combat organized crime. In the fight against the mafia we had many heroes. I think among others to Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. To defeat the mafia must be a multitude of honest, competent, tough. And a political leadership and administrative able to do their duty. Other risks threaten our coexistence. International terrorism has launched his challenge bloody, sowing death and tragedies in the world and making innocent victims. We are horrified by the barbaric beheadings of hostages, war and bloodshed in the Middle East and Africa, to the tragic events in Paris. Our country has paid, many times, in a not too distant past, the price of hatred and intolerance. I want to remember one name: Stefano Taché, was killed in the cowardly terrorist attack on the synagogue in Rome in October 1982. He was only two years. It was our baby, an Italian child. The practice of violence in the name of religion seemed a long closed chapter in history. It should be condemned and fought those exploits purposes domain belief, violating the fundamental right to religious freedom. Consider the terrible challenge of fundamentalist terrorism in view of the clash of civilizations or religions would be a serious mistake. The threat is much deeper and wider. The attack on the foundations of freedom, democracy, tolerance and coexistence. For global threats need global responses. A phenomenon so severe you can not fight locking themselves in the fort of national states. The preachers of hate and those who recruit assassins using the internet and the media more sophisticated, that escape, by their very nature, to a territorial dimension. The international community must deploy all its resources. Saluting the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Republic, I express a desire for intensive cooperation in this direction. The fight against terrorism must be conducted with firmness, intelligence, capacity for discernment. A tough fight that can not be separated from security: the State must ensure the right of citizens to a peaceful life and freedom from fear. The feeling of hope has characterized Europe after the war and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Hope of freedom and recovery after the war, hoping to claim the values of democracy after 1989. In the new Europe Italy has found the assertion of its sovereignty, a safe haven but also a place from which to start to meet the challenges global. The European Union is now, once again, a frontier of hope and the prospect of a real political union should be relaunched without delay. The affirmation of the rights of citizenship is the consolidation of large European area of freedom, security and justice. The wars, bombings, political persecution, ethnic and religious, misery and famine generate large masses of refugees. Millions of individuals and families fleeing from their homes seeking salvation and their future in the Europe of law and democracy. And ‘this humanitarian emergency, serious and painful, which should see the European Union more careful, committed and supportive. Italy has done and is doing his part well and we are grateful to all our operators at various levels, for the generous commitment with which to confront this dramatic exodus. Internatio nally, the meritorious and indispensable action peacekeeping, which involves our military in many missions, ¬ must be consolidated with an action of political reconstruction, economic, social and cultural development, without which every effort is destined to vanish . Armed Forces, more and more an instrument of peace and essential element of our foreign policy and security, I extend a sincere thank you, remembering those who lost their lives in the performance of his duty. We must continue to deploy the maximum effort to ensure that the delicate matter of our two riflemen Marina, Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone, are soon a successful conclusion, with their eventual return to their homeland. I wish to remember the civilians involved in areas which are riskier, in the valuable work of cooperation and development aid. Three Italians, Paolo Dall’Oglio father, Giovanni Lo Porto and Ignazio Scaravilli there is no news in lands difficult and tormented. They and th eir families must be solidarity and closeness of the Italian people, with the wish to soon return to their homes. Honourable Members, Distinguished Delegates, For our people, the face of the Republic is the one that occurs in the life of every day: the ‘hospital, the town hall, the school, the court, the museum. I hope that in public offices and institutions can be reflected, with confidence, the faces of the Italians: the face carefree children, what curious boys. The referee is responsible for timely implementation of the rules. The referee is responsible for timely implementation of the rules.
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