Friday, February 13, 2015

Reforms, opposition on the Aventine Renzi “not accept blackmail” – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Reforms, opposition on the Aventine Renzi "not accept blackmail" – AGI – Agenzia Journalistic Italy

Reforms opposition on Aventino Ira Renzi not accept blackmail 21:15 February 13, 2015

(AGI) – Rome, February 13 – E ‘total confrontation on reforms.
Missed the last attempt at mediation between the Democratic Party and the M5s, Matteo Renzi announces that it intends to continue marching and oppositions retire on the Aventine, asking the intervention Sergio Mattarella. A situation that makes chewing bitter minority Pd, hit by confrontation. The day opens with still see the images of the fight night. Renzi, who returned from Brussels, and ‘went to the House to send a message of unity and determination to the opposition and you and’ said also ready to vote if Parliament proves to not knowing how to enact reform.
The message determination is confirmed the meeting of the group Pd: the filibuster on reforms, explains to Members dem ‘and’ an attempt to block the government reforms “but I” I certainly do blackmail by Grillo on constitutional reforms. ” So, “closes tomorrow”, if the opposition not vote “we’ll go ahead anyway.” Renzi’s words are read as a total closure by the opposition who leave the classroom and announce the Aventine. First League, Sel and M5s, then Forza Italy, leave the benches of the House and give life to a joint press conference. “There are all the opposition represented in Parliament – said Renato Brunetta – denounce the authoritarian, a mortal blow to democracy. There are methodological unacceptable violence” by the Democratic Party and of the majority. The government, threatening the leader of Forza Italy, from now on will see ” the green mice “on every measure. The opposition also call a meeting at the President of the Republic, which is know to be available to meet them from Tuesday ‘. That ‘when the reforms will presumably already’ were voted by the House. One way to deposit a bit ‘dust. And also, explain the Quirinal, to clarify that each i nstitution and ‘autonomous: the House does its job and has organs of self-control, the Presidency of the Republic currency laws when they come on his table, not before. A position that makes scandal at Beppe Grillo: “The silence of Mattarella facing the destruction of the Constitution made by Renzie, never even elected to Parliament last night that hovered like a bully in parliament to provoke the opposition. This silence and ‘disturbing perhaps worse than the warnings of Napolitano. “
The confrontation worries the minority Democratic Party. “We can not vote reforms without even the presence of the opposition ‘and’ reasoning. Pippo Civati ​​and Stefano Fassina announce that they will not vote reforms. Gianni Cuperlo asks a pause for reflection but the majority of his party rejects the request. Fibrillation, the one in the Democratic Party, shaking water. “If there is no quorum you go to elections” thinks someone in the majority. Eventually it was decided to reconvene the meeting of the group Pd for clarification between dem. But meanwhile, Matteo Renzi, in the afternoon, back to clear his line and tweets: “For years, the policy does not make reforms. We listen to everyone, but we do not blackmail from anybody.” “The reform will be ‘put to a referendum. We’ll see – close – if people stara’ with us or with the committee’s not driven by Brunetta, Salvini and Grillo.” Assembly Democratic Party for the first time since he is not ‘more’ secretary intervenes Pierluigi Bersani and Calls for an extra effort to keep the dialogue open, to indent the opposition in the classroom. Even Rosy Bindi asks to stop the session river to encourage dialogue. Matthew Orfini but ‘points out that you can’ seek dialogue without slowing down the train of reform. “I’ve never seen so many nostalgic Nazarene” qui ps Renzi closing the meeting.
“We must keep open the path of dialogue, but there is no ‘reason to stop sitting River” cut short. Night and ‘long, everything now, reforms and legislature, is played on a quorum.


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