The Democratic Party takes note of the effects it has had on so-called pact of the Nazarene the election of the Head of State and pulls straight. Debora Serracchiani, interviewed in The Phone Call, does not rule out ‘ the help of other forces’ after voting Mattarella : ‘aware of the responsibility that they have to be here in 2018′. It says that it is the covenant of the Nazarene to have been broken, but the same team of Forza Italy. ‘The object of the pact – he said – are the reforms that we are interested and we hope that they are on the reforms, as well as in the past. If not so, we simplifies life the absence of Berlusconi and Brunetta.
On the numbers the government is quiet , ‘In the past, those of forzisti were needed, agggiunge the deputy secretary of the Democratic Party, but not anymore. In the House the text dell’Italicum pass as it came out of the Senate and also with regard to the reform of the Senate and Title V we believe we have sufficient numbers. We go forward ‘
For the Blues speak Lease and admits : “We can not pretend not to see what happened. We all wrong at this stage, we have not guessed one pass political. However there were those who tried to point out the mistakes that you were making. I think the electoral law: approve it with that method, with the time and with I think that content has been political suicide compared even to the next steps. ” He said Raffaele Lease (Fi) speaking at Agora, on RAI-3. “We were wrong to give in – added Lease -. If Renzi has placed the diktat and has unilaterally changed the election law and constitutional reform, we have been wrong not to move to the substance ‘. Lease wants to be more than clear, Berlusconi calls for the elimination of the leaders of the party but ‘the leader nopn you touch, he is an icon’
“The covenant of the Nazarene as well as we had played to date, we believe broke” announced at the end of the meeting, the political adviser of the Knight, John Toti, explaining that FI is not existent “more committed” to follow the government on the path of reform. “The deal was: ‘institutions choosing together’, and therefore also on head of state. But this fundamental assumption is dropped. “From tomorrow, as he had announced the Knight, Fi will vote only what pleases him. Certainly, however, assures Toti, the reforms will not make” suicide bombers “. Stop the response of the Democratic Party that flaunts safety: “If the covenant of the Nazarene is over, the better. The path of reform will be easier. Getting to 2018 without Brunetta Berlusconi and for us it is much better, “warns Debora Serracchiani, deputy secretary of the Democratic Party.” Their happy, everyone. Each in his own way, it is better for everyone. For us, definitely, “echoed the Secretary to the Prime Minister and the Minister Luca Lotti Woods pulling straight:” We go forward. Next week we will vote Tuesday to Saturday. Alfano, who was also struggling with a torn Ncd, regrets the breach of the covenant, but points out, “we are: with our votes and our numbers there is a majority.” The effects of the tension between the Democratic Party and Fi are not slow however to result immediately in a clash parliamentary. There are, in fact, to decide the time for the vote in the House on constitutional reforms and the leaders decided that the House will vote Tuesday to Saturday. “Times and ways unreasonable, unacceptable, and the limits of democracy. So you violent Parliament” thunders Renato Brunetta, parent Fi points out that: the discussion on reform measures blocking much expected from the country, from the decree Milleproroghe Ilva, from banks to civil liability of jud ges. And all this “because of Renzi hegemonism”. A halt that warns the continuation of the reforms for which the Democratic Party has to deal with its minority. “If there is the covenant of the Nazarene do not dress in mourning. I hope now that Parliament can discuss the merits of the reforms, especially starting from the blocked list headers,” said the deputy of the minority Democratic Party Gianni Cuperlo. Stefano Fassina and also warns not only the election law must be corrected on the list headers blocked, but also to be reviewed “the decree implementing the delegation on the work on collective redundancies and on the principle of proportionality for the disciplinary dismissal” and must correct the tax decree. Everyone responds Maria Elena Boschi: “Inside Forza Italy there are different currents: there are those who listen Lease, who Letta, who Toti or Brunetta. We do not follow the current Democratic Party, let alone if we can e xpect the current FI. We think Italians not to Berlusconi. “
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