Sunday, September 7, 2014

Renzi Festival closes dem: “With the new Pd Europe. Lessons from No … – The Republic

Renzi Festival closes dem: "With the new Pd Europe. Lessons from No … – The Republic

BOLOGNA – A Pd seen as “a hope in all of Europe.” Who is able to capitalize on an election result “creepy” to mark a turning point in the “sign of the growth in the whole continent.” Matteo Renzi choose the European dimension to close the National Day of Unity. It also sends a warning on the home front: “Do not give up to half a centimeter. Technicians do not accept lessons from the First Republic.” And ‘This is the policy note on the day of the premier in Bologna. That color is white shirts of the four leaders of the European left that accompany the President of the Council and above the stage in a debate about the new lady CFSP, Federica Mogherini. In order of appearance: Achim Posts (Secretary of the German Social Democratic Party), Diederik Samsom (leader of the Dutch Labour Party), Pedro Sanchez (new star of the Spanish Socialist Party) and Manuel Valls, French premier. With their kids Renzi – before lunch in the stand of the party – we recommend the “pact of tortellini. Axis programmatic and generational, with jokes and teasing on football. Protocol and a little plaster, with Sanchez and Valls who speak in Italian.

Pride democratic. The highlight came on stage when the prime minister, shortly after five. Council President opened his speech with his usual dose of “democratic pride,” claiming – with a dedication to his predecessor Pierluigi Bersani, standing in the audience – the pluralistic nature of the Democratic Party and the “extraordinary” electoral success harvest the last European elections. “We are a party that is seen as a hope in Europe, it is a result that must leave us and give us the creeps responsibility, “he said. then, getting to the heart of his speech, Renzi has been involved primarily in Europe.” Together we must change Europe and build a more linked to growth and less rigor, more work, families and less to the banks, “he said.

Appeals to Europe. Looking again at Brussels, the Prime Minister insisted: “Tonight in the Strait of Sicily was born a girl saved by the commitment Italian like so many other lives. Nowadays there is a great demand for policy. Saying that there is room Policy means that Europe is not only regulations and budgetary constraints and then forget what is happening in our seas. means that it takes the policy, make alliances in the EU because the EU dealing with immigration. “

Government vigilant. “Now – continued Renzi – we need to account for the promise of Juncker on the floor 300 billion, and we ask you to be very punctual. We know where to put the money: in ‘school construction, broadband and works against the failure. We know where to put them but investments must be disconnected from the culture of rigor of the Stability Pact. ” Similarly, he added, the government “check” also that the money given to banks by the ECB “really easy business.” “Salvation is in our hands, not in those of Europe, we begin to spend well European funds,” he said.

Attack M5s for Is. On the international front also a jab the M5s. “Rockets and Salvini went to North Korea, Salvini has seen North on the map and it is gone. What upsets me is what you Salvini said returning. Smile no more, however, when Di Battista says you have to talk with the terrorists of ‘ Isil. Bersani With the Democratic Party and not dialogue, but yes with the terrorists. “

No lessons. then entering into the heart of Italian affairs, Renzi is back to defend the choice of 80 euro bonus payroll. “So far, engineers have told us that the honeymoon is over. Brings us nicely to us – he said – but there is a part of experts in the country, grew in the shadow of the First Republic unable to read 20 years of Berlusconi, did not predict the crisis and now he says that the 80 euro is a mistake., but we do not accept lessons. ” “The 80 euro – said – have an idea of ​​civilization: the idea that those who have always paid you see something returned. E ‘an act of social justice rather than an economic measure.”

Issues wages. Still on the subject of purchasing power, the Secretary of the Democratic Party reiterated: “Some say that Italy is a great country, but that does not make it anymore, now that has to change templates, reduce wages and compete with those countries that make products cost less for me is a wrong model because it crushes Italy on a level that is not his. Globalization brings 800 million new consumers who want more Italian, beauty, quality . “

Do not give up half a centimeter. “On the reforms – he warned the president of the Council – I do not give half a centimeter and we will change Italy, but not head down but his head high, because we took 41%, because we change Italy and look at them in the eye “those who criticize and obstruct” because this time there is not for anybody, this time we make the reforms just with owls. ” The reforms, he insisted, no, “as argued by some, useless, meaningless, indeed a scandal, we bring forward, albeit with modifications, the election law and constitutional reform, we demonstrate that the policy known to decide.” On the voting system Renzi added: “We need a law where you know who wins and where does the ballot if necessary,” as the right to choose to give back to the people ‘let’s see if the single-member constituency or preferences, although we already do the primaries and a system to ensure representation at all but does not give powers to blackmail. “

Tribute to Napolitano. Touching the theme of the reforms, Renzi has also directed a tribute to the President of the Republic. “I ask for a round of applause for Giorgio Napolitano – he said – who has endured a campaign against him indecent and indecorous simply for being forced to stay there to help Italians.” “Without Napolitano – he added – you can not make reforms.”

School and about. About the School, another hot topic on the political agenda, the Democratic secretary said: “We have never said more precarious and alternate but also that the shots are not only on seniority but on the basis of quality of work. Merit is left, the quality is on the left, the talent is left. I want to be on the side of equality is not egalitarianism. “

Voice unitary. The Secretary finally announced the intention to communicate Thursdays, the new secretary of the party, in the hope that it can be unified. “There are two poles – said – I can not do it alone and the other condition is that vetoes are not acceptable. We can not spend time arguing. Propose a joint secretariat, where the responsibility is in the hands of everyone. But it must be clear that if someone wants a rematch in the Democratic Party will have it in November of 2017, when there will be the next Congress. ” “I have always been unified – reply by return Pier Luigi Bersani – the word” unitary “I love it, then you have to see what signfica.”

The day of the premier. Renzi had arrived at the party at about 11.30, with several hours before the time of his final speech. Huge crowds and photos with the many activists crowded waiting his arrival, then a meeting with the leaders of European Socialists and lunch in a restaurant before the Feast of their interventions. “Today we bring everyone to eat tortellini, today we make the covenant of tortellini with leaders of the European left,” he joked Renzi.

European leaders. Tuning reiterated on stage. “Stop right before that there is more than all of Europe: count on me for all this, it’s worth it,” said the new segretaro of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez. “When I hear talk of austerity – he continued – you will think, but because they tell me that I have always been austere? Enough to hear you say to make more efforts when we have done all my life, we need of a new European pact for development and work. ”

After the Spanish leader to take the floor was the premier French Socialist Valls. “To revive Europe has left the need for unity, pride, ideals, common struggles – he said – is the left back to come together to revive Europe, the work, to make their voices heard. Our action is beginning to bear fruit and this has been possible thanks to the victory of Matteo Renzi. If you want to be heard we must be united, we have not been enough in the past. ”

The primaries in Emilia. The European dimension of the festival, however, did not prevent the Secretary of the democratic merits of the local affairs of the party. “Now there are primaries – said Renzi referring to the race for the succession (among which is the duel-Bonaccini Richetti) at the helm of the Emilia Romagna after the resignation of Vasco Errani – They’re all good guys, the important thing is not quarrel between them. ” An appeal to fair play, in short, after rumors in recent days on the arrival of a “briscolone” – the possible candidacy all’ultim’ora a big party – to reshuffle the cards. “The important thing – he concluded – is that after the primaries are all united in view of the elections.”


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