Sunday, September 7, 2014

Renzi: “Pd hope in Europe.” Pact with the Euro-dem – Il Sole 24 Ore

Renzi: "Pd hope in Europe." Pact with the Euro-dem – Il Sole 24 Ore

History article


This article was published on 7 September 2014 at 12:39.
The last change is the 7 September 2014 at 21:28.

BOLOGNA – It’s time to make different choices in Europe, it is time to change European economic policy to give more strength to the “growth” compared to the “stability”. Matteo Renzi closes the Unity party of Bologna with a rally classically secretary, touching all the strings among the people, democratic.

A year ago right here in Bologna, when still in Largo del Nazareno sat Guglielmo Epifani and Palazzo Chigi Enrico Letta, the democratic people of Red Emilia had in fact acclaimed new leader with a very warm welcome and for many unexpected. “The future is a beautiful place, let’s go all together – back to say after a year Renzi -. If you can not make the Democratic Party can not make anyone in the game is not the future of a secretary, but the future of the country. I do not give an inch, this country change it whatever the cost. “

But now, as prime minister who leads Italy in the European Semester, the secretary knows that the real game to get out of stagnation and restart the country to play in Brussels. Hence the challenge to the popular Jean-Claude Juncker, the new president of the European Commission through its agreement with the PES in which the Democratic Party with its 41% constitutes the first party and towing.
“Juncker, also for have our full support to his candidacy, announced investments in Europe for 300 billion – Renzi marks from the stage -. In Italy these billions we know where to put them: in school building, in broadband networks to new-generation environmental technologies, in the works against disruption. We know where to spend. Juncker said “I put 300 billion euro” here, we need to account for this promise because otherwise they are just words. Juncker takes office on November 1, we ask you to be very precise. ”
And above all, again repeated, “we must also have the courage to say that these measures are out of the Stability Pact. We have tight schedule and we will feel the power of being the most voted party in Europe. ”

As for monetary policy, Renzi welcomes the latest decisions of Mario Draghi. But Draghi, remember, also urged European banks to make available to the undertakings the greater liquidity injected into the market. “Now it’s up to the banks,” said the premier.

Not surprisingly, the challenge Juncker (and Chancellor Angela Merkel, though not named) comes after the summit with young European Socialists in “white shirt” as a silent tribute to Tony Blair: the protagonists of the debate on Europe that preceded the final rally of Renzi are the premier French Manuel Valls, the young and handsome leader of the Spanish Socialist Party Pedro Sanchez, the general secretary of the Party European Socialist Achim Post, the deputy leader of the Labour Party and the Dutch Diederik Samsom. A sort of “lobby to change the economic policy in Europe beyond the stage of austerity”, as he had the opportunity to comment at a distance the French economist Jean-Paul Fitoussi.

C ‘ is the game for flexibility in Europe, but there is also the party. After the controversy of recent days are all in Bologna, close to the Secretary, beginning with the former leader Pier Luigi Bersani. “We must find a way to be together,” says Renzi proposing to open the new secretary in all areas. A proposal has, however, two conditions: no right of veto and no revenge on the Congress. “If someone wants to party in this rematch will have it in November 2017, if he wants to work can do so by tomorrow morning,” he clarifies.

the invitation, it turns out, has already been accepted and Thursdays, after 6 months, the Democratic Party will have the new secretariat which will also Dalem Enzo Amendola and bersaniana Micaela Campana. Renzi offers minorities the much-awaited changes all’Italicum: overcoming the blocked lists with single-member districts or with the preferences and the standardization of input thresholds at 4% (now 8% for non-coalition parties) in so do not leave out important political forces in Parliament.

But not surprisingly Renzi does not even mention by mistake to one of the hot topics of debate summer, ie the overcoming of Article 18 of the Statute of workers to the left dem is still a totem difficult to break down. The jobs act can wait.



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