Saturday, September 13, 2014

Renzi in Puglia: “The state is present. Do not leave you alone “- La Stampa

Renzi in Puglia: "The state is present. Do not leave you alone "- La Stampa


Renzi in Puglia: “The state is present. Do not leave you alone “


 “The Gargano is not closed for mourning, is open to tourists,” said the premier, Peschici, one of the 14 municipalities of the Gargano affected by the flooding which killed two people and caused extensive damage


Chairman of the Board, Matteo Renzi, Peschici



The President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, after an inspection by helicopter in the Gargano area affected by bad weather, which resulted in two deaths and extensive damage, met in the City, in Peschici, the mayors of the 14 municipalities flood victims. “I will not leave alone,” he said to some of the many people who were waiting in the square.

“The Gargano is not closed for mourning, there is a season finale to accomplish,” said the prime minister, noting that in an emergency there are two ways to react: “I think for a population is essential to know how to share with the stimulus and the momentum that surely the government takes. This week we await the conclusion of the procedure, the government will do its part com ‘is a must. We put the tenacity and determination – he added – because of the points for discussion can proceed. We must appreciate what is beautiful in Italy and smetterci of feeling sorry for himself, you do not have you ever cried on him. ”

About the hydrogeological, Renzi said that “Italy is a priority and must be addressed together with the regions streamlining bureaucracy at a minimum.”

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