You Look chaos, Catricalà withdraws candidacy
Step back of the candidate of Berlusconi after the frond in Forza Italy, the party split
Antonio Catricalà
Agreement shipwrecked, start all over again. Antonio Catricalà takes a step back from the race to the Consulta. Salta, therefore, one of the two candidates of the agreement between the Democratic Party and that would bring the Forza Italian Antitrust former president to be judge of the Constitutional Court in pair with the candidate dem Luciano Violante. A step back is not wanted by some leaders of the two parties who are well to deal with the leaves inside and having to sign a new agreement. Now a big risk, in fact, the former Speaker of the House who – already struggling with internal grumbling to Dem – is further weakened by the failure of tandem indicated by the secretariats. It takes so share the assumption of a new ticket.
Catricalà, strongly desired as a candidate by Gianni Letta and Silvio Berlusconi, stepped aside in the hope that “- as he explains – Parliament can more easily overcome the conflicts that have so far hampered the election of the two Constitutional Court judges. ” Former Undersecretary, even to protect their “professional image”, has avoided the collision, all internal to the party of Berlusconi, with Donato Bruno, who in recent days has collected the votes of the more radical of Forza Italy.
But the departure of Catricalà, came despite Arcore continued to get certificates of confidence in his comparisons and invitations to wait at least a vote in Parliament on Monday, reveals a comparison between the asprissimo forzisti. At the moment, it is possible that Bruno Donato can hold back. Indeed, although beginning to circulate with the name Maurizio Paniz force, the pressure on the Knight in order to support his candidacy is strong. The so-called “magic circle” would like, however, a compromise solution in order not to give the image of being defeated; and at the very moment in which, among other things, Raffaele Lease sticks to head down the faithful Mariarosaria Rossi. Dissolution could be a meeting of the groups to which you are working at this time, in the presence of Berlusconi. Irritant and not a little, in addition, also the support of Ncd to Bruno: a move that in Forza Italy is read as a breach of the covenant of support Catricalà and an attempt to feed the alfaniani internal tensions.
REBUS CSM , it complicates RACE Violante
In the Democratic Party, meanwhile, discusses the application of Violante. Fi lets you know that it will continue to support him with their vote in order to constrain the dem covenant and thus avoid to remain isolated. But on the former Speaker of the House would be ongoing pressure from judicial circles to invite him to consider putting a step back. On the other hand, the reasoning goes, that Violante is an application technique that could return to racing later. In the Democratic Party there are also those who want to take advantage of the withdrawal of Catricalà to propose a new agreement that could lead to burn also the name of Augusto Barbera. Furthermore, if Fi propose Donato Bruno is not granted the support of all the dem. A messy situation that could lead to a summit between Pd and Fi Monday morning, a few hours before the new joint session of the Chambers, in an attempt to put pen to paper a shared solution.
In this context, could return to contention nominations techniques. They return to get the names of the jurist Nicolò Zanon, professor of constitutional law at the University of Milan and lay member of the CSM, and that of labor law Silvana Sciarra, Professor of Labour Law Law and Social Committee in Florence. A would offset his election, in which Matteo Renzi not be sorry, a parterre in which the presence of ‘pink’ is now a single judge Marta Cartabia.
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