Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Parliament, cap on salaries of employees – Il Sole 24 Ore

Parliament, cap on salaries of employees – Il Sole 24 Ore

History article


This article was published on 1 October 2014 at 06:38.

ROME For the wages of the employees of the House and Senate sounds the hour of forced diet. From the bureaux of the two houses of parliament it’s yes to the joint reform of the system for staff in service, with a maximum limit to 240 thousand euro and a series of lofts for each category of employees. A step accompanied enthusiastically (“unprecedented decision”) by the Speaker of the House Laura Boldrini, given the savings that will come in four years to reach 97 million euro fee. But that does not move the unions until the end of the trench where they tried to defend themselves by causing, on the opposite side, more than a grumbling in some policy areas to which the cuts appear even too timid.
For those who work in Parliament As in the rest of the civil service, they can not go more than 240 thousand euro, net of allowance, and social security contributions. And stakes are planted in proportion to all assignments. Substantially higher pay will be the one perceived for each category at the twenty-third year of service. Hence 2018 all salaries will go down in steps up to the annual limit specifically identified by the reform, while those who do not get it will still pay to stop at the threshold of achieving its reference. Furthermore, the reform provides for a productivity bonus of 10% for employees who exceed the ceiling: a measure to encourage more willing meeting the demands of the trade unions but, as I said at the beginning, especially criticize the introduction of the attics. For this reason, the Chamber is already threatening to burst appeals and a litany of causes due to the alleged illegality of the measures, however, in the hope of an afterthought that combines the “common need for rigor ‘with the need to preserve the efficiency of the administration and compliance with existing legal order.
Boldrini its part has highlighted the fact that the cuts follow the criteria of proportionality, “recognizing the high level of professionalism of those who work there and making the most about.” Again, this is to make “good policy,” according to the president. A part of the policy, however, the dark salaries seems too little, if not a true work of make-up. Deputies in the body of the summit did not see no dissenting votes (two members of the Bureau did not participate, and five abstained), Palazzo Madama only Lucio Barani Forza Italy voted against. But beyond how it went in numbers, for Stefano Dambruoso Choice civic so “does not eliminate the wasteful economic consumatisi in the palaces of Roman power in these years.” A roof salaries of officials of the Senate equal to the salary of the senators had been proposed in the office of the presidency by Roberto Calderoni, without the consent of the other colleagues found. The no further changes was the reason why the exponent of the Northern League has then left the meeting. Members of M5S want instead to put in perspective the “pseudo-reform,” the evidence that now “Parliament officials will come to perceive even 400 thousand euro.” Therefore, the parties “have the honesty to admit that they have saved the privileges of caste and stop making fun of the citizens.”



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