And ‘Senate “arena” of the decisive battle on Article 18 After the direction of the Democratic Party has confirmed that a large majority to the line of Matteo Renzi, the Prime Minister is optimistic about the outcome of the process the delegation in the Senate, which is taken up today. “I believe that people are on our side, not on the side of the unions,” said the premier. But in the meantime the minority Democratic Party has confirmed the proposed amendments to change the government’s proposal. Government is preparing to introduce its own proposal for a change in rules that translate the position of the Executive. The amendment could be presented in the next few days, but the vote on the reform does not start until next Tuesday. On another point, the President of the Council was peremptory approval for October 8, when the EU summit held in Milan on the work to which Renzi wants to bring ‘dowry’ the first step towards the new system of market Italian job. But the vote was especially marked in direction a split of the internal opposition that makes it stronger than the secretary. A vote against were in 20, the civatiani and the ‘old guard’, Massimo D’Alema and Pier Luigi Bersani, with Stefano Fassina and Francesco Boccia.
While abstained representatives of the new ruling class area of reform led by Robert Hope. “Every time that D’Alema speaks gain a percentage point in the polls … If there were would be invented,” was in fact the caustic comment Renzi in ‘Amelie’, “after a tough debate. The split of
The assembly of senators Democratic Party has registered the first openings by dissidents as Vannino Chiti and some bersaniani. Sources Pd consider that the final grade could fall even those who are critical in the ranks and eventually the votes that may be missing will be counted on the fingers of one hand and, therefore, may not be necessary that dreaded ‘blue rescue’ that would open for Renzi obviously “a political problem. ” Moreover, the changes decided yesterday in direction, in particular the reinstatement for disciplinary reasons has raised a number of criticisms own right, both from Fi that allies of Ncd. It ‘just the point that makes you sing victory to the left wing of the Democratic Party of the Young Turks in dialogue. In any case, “for the moment” the amendments to the bill work on jobs act “remain, do not fall back. Expect to hear and see what it will say on the amendment announced by the executive, “explained Federico Fornaro and Maria Cecilia Guerra, signatories of the amendments to the minority dem Jobs Act.
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