Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Mattarella has sworn: I feel responsible task entrusted – Il Sole 24 Ore

Mattarella has sworn: I feel responsible task entrusted – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on February 3, 2015 at 09:39.
The last change is the February 3, 2015 at 10:14.

Start today officially’s seven Sergio Mattarella. At 10, the new president of the Republic in the Hall of the House was sworn in, in front of Parliament met in joint session supplemented by regional delegates. He did so by addressing a special thanks to the President Emeritus Giorgio Napolitano. Following his message to the nation. At the end, Mattarella be accompanied by the President of the Council and the Secretary General of the Quirinale Altar of the Fatherland which will pay tribute to the Unknown Soldier. Then, escorted by cuirassiers on horseback and by motorcyclists, Mattarella will rise to around 11 at the Quirinale. Here is the scheduled inauguration ceremony which will be attended the heads of institutions and political leaders. There will Silvio Berlusconi, as party leader and former prime minister. Beppe Grillo has declined the invitation, but sent an open letter of greetings to the President of the Republic. For the M5s, Quirinale, will instead presen t a delegation led by Deputy Speaker of the House of Luigi Maio. Here is the record of the day.

Hours 10.09. Mattarella: food business cycle to exit crisis
“To overcome the crisis that has sapped the nation’s economy and European economic cycle is powered by the expected time.” He said the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella

Hours 10.07. Mattarella: urgent reforms to give answers to the country
“The urgency of the institutional reforms and economic drift from the duty to respond effectively to the community” .The said the president Sergio Mattarella

Ore 10,06. Matterella: avert crisis would affect social contract
Cheap ones are “points of demanding agenda, which is measured by the distance between the institutions and the people. We must avoid the risk that the crisis would affect the social pact enshrined in the Constitution. ” So the president of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, who added: “The long crisis has inflicted wounds and product isolation and loneliness, many difficulties have affected employment and created exclusion.”

Ore 10.05 . Mattarella: Country units likely to be fragile
“I feel fully the responsibility of the task entrusted to me, first of all to represent national unity and that consists of all the expectations and aspirations of our cittadini.Lo said Sergio Mattarella, who added: “The unit is likely to be difficult, fragile and far, the ‘commitment of all is to overcome the difficulties of the Italian”

10.00. Mattarella swears applause, thanks to Napolitano
“I swear to be faithful to the Republic and to uphold faithfully the Constitution.” And ‘the oath that the president Sergio Mattarella delivered in the Hall of the House. Then the applause he sat between the Presidents of the Chambers. Mattarella addressed a special thanks to the former president Giorgio Napolitano

Hours 9.57. Mattarella enters the courtroom greeted by long applause
The president-elect of the Republic Sergio Mattarella has just entered the classroom, in the House, for the oath. It was greeted by long applause of the House. All standing deputies, senators and regional delegates

Hours 9.49. Government benches to complete
You go filling the Aula di Montecitorio. Already full government benches with all the ministers present, in addition to presiudente Council Matteo Renzi.

Hours 9.44. Mattarella greeted by Boldrini
The new president of Repubblcia Sergio Mattarella was welcomed by the president of the Chamber of Deputies Laura Boldrini and the deputy chairman of the Senate Valeria Fedeli who accompanied him in the classroom, addobbatta with festoons tricolor, where Mattarella must swear to twelfth head of state and give his speech as president. The main bell of Deputies has ceased to play the arrival of the president.

Hours 9.42. Mattarella arrived at Montecitorio
Sergio Mattarella has just arrived in the Chamber of Deputies, where in a few minutes will be sworn in as the new President of the Republic.

9,30. Mattarella leaves Consult direct Deputies
The motorcade with President-elect of the Republic Sergio Mattarella left in the rain the Consulta direct Deputies to take the oath. In the House the bells of the turret awaiting the arrival of Mattarella. The car is traveling on the President of the Republic is preceded by the presidential escort, entrusted to the Police motorcyclists.



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