The output of Britain from Europe does claim victory Italians Eurosceptics. It is no accident that among the first to celebrate the decision of the British people is Matteo Salvini. The Northern League leader, who tomorrow will open the States General of the Northern League in Parma, is a river in flood: bubble Europe as “a madhouse”, recognizes the outcome of the polls, “a slap in Renzi and Napolitano” and finally announces his intention to start a collection of signatures to present a bill to amend the Constitution, which now does not provide for the popular consultation for international treaties.
In tune with the secretary of the Northern League also Giorgia Meloni. The leader of the Brothers of Italy bluntly speaks of Brexit as a “courageous choice that we must follow the example.”
to reject the proposal to Salvini is President Emeritus of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano: “It is pure demagoguery,” says the senator for life who then does not hesitate to describe as “abhorrent the British referendum, institute that is not required by our constitution wisely ruled that referendums on international treaties. ”
On the Eurosceptic bandwagon not miss the Five Star Movement. The pentastellati, always very critical about the current EU structure, after what seemed an EU opened yesterday, rely to a post on the blog of Beppe Grillo’s positive reaction to the victory of Brexit. The text does not mentions the word referendum, however, the message is clear: ‘Either Europe will change or die “, the sentences of the Five Star blog where it is claimed, however, the need to’ Europe as a ‘community’ and not a ‘union of banks and lobby. Now – ask grillini – the word steps to the citizens. ”
Beyond the differences, the first fact that emerges is that the London bid farewell to Brussels breaks even in the debate within the parties, particularly in the reorganization of the Centre in view of the next upcoming appointment.
Just the leader of the Northern League league victory Face ‘Leave the English at the battle of October against the constitutional reforms, “more so – I repeat – in October I will vote no to bad Renzi reform, which continues to hamper Italians to comment on every decision that comes from Brussels. ” A line that lumbard leader intends to propose tomorrow in Parma where he called together all the old center. An initiative that has a fundamental significance not only because it represents the first opportunity for discussion after the municipal elections, but above all because it could have a very strong symbolic value for climbing Salvini to the leadership of the coalition, when Silvio Berlusconi was forced out from the scene.
tomorrow to hear the leader of the League will be Giovanni Toti, the big Fi and among those who has always maintained an open dialogue with the Northern League, and with him all the members of the ‘old PDL’ (Meloni, Lease, Quagliariello to name a few) has always been in support of even primary for the center.
A complex reunification, however, it is given that it is precisely to divide central issues such as the future European Union. If the so-called ‘Lepenist duo asks that Italy can be expressed on the permanence or not the Union, Forza Italy while sparing critical to a German traction Europe, considers vital to its survival. Berlusconi is convinced that considers this essential point a “refounding Europe” quickly enough to request the convening of the congress of the European People’s Party to take charge of drawing up a manifesto that has its own in the EU re-founding his central point: ” We should be given an immediate and overwhelming response – writes the former prime minister – by whom Europe has planned and willed. and ‘urgent to rebuild Europe as a political community based on shared values rather than economic or bureaucratic, lived by Europeans as their homeland and not as an imposition or an annoying necessity “.
On the eve of the event Parmesan, now some leaders of the center-right formations issuing statements.
SALVINI: tHE INITIATIVE oF PARMA fROM tHE POST-BREXIT. “While others sleep or return directions for mourning, we try to rebuild from tomorrow, to find the emergency exit of the country Italy.” he told a news conference the leader of Matteo Salvini League, explaining that “the initiative tomorrow in Parma not coincidentally starts right from post Brexit, by reviewing and rewriting the Treaties’ from the single currency and trade policies and immigration.
MELONS: “SARO ‘IN PARMA, THEN OTHER INITIATIVES TOGETHER.” “Tomorrow Parma will participate in the demonstration called by Matteo Salvini and then, with Matthew ragionavamo a similar initiative to do together in the coming weeks.” He said the leaders of FDI Giorgia Meloni adding that the initiative of the secretary of the Northern League “moves from a right principle, that is, to consider the dead center as we have known and to work for a new aggregation but starts from the content, understanding what we want to do for Italians and what is the common ground on which we stand, and then talk about everything else. ”
And who says that Salvini is not contrary to primary, Meloni replied: “It ‘obvious, we say it for so many years, the logic of democracy is an unbeatable logic. Thinking that the parties, after all that has happened, you can put together to talk around a table is crazy. If there is a matter that comes out of these elections it is that they do not pay the mess-ups, the crowded, opaque projects, unclear positions; pay people and credible projects and the courage to tell it like it is and we want to start from there, surely the primaries for the future of the center could be a great opportunity, I say it very difficult times, I will not change for some idea now ».
MARONI: “WE WANT TO GET TO RENZI EXIT”. “Tomorrow, in Parma, is the beginning of a process that should lead to rebuild and regroup the center of a concrete program, to be competitive on Rexit, Renzi exit. We called it ‘The yard”. So declared the governor of Lombardy Roberto Maroni, on the sidelines of a seminar on constitutional reform at the Palazzo Pirelli in Milan. “There will be the League’s program, expanded to the center, who will talk about what will happen after the Brexit. So, tomorrow will be the start of the new course of the center,” he assures. “From tomorrow we talk about content, not of agreements and alliances. It ‘an invitation to the whole center for discussion of issues proposed by external experts to the League. There will be, also, Forza Italy and the melons,” he adds. “Tomorrow for the center will be an important day in Parma: it starts almost from scratch, after the defeat in Milan and head for Europe,” he concludes.
QUAGLIARIELLO EVEN AT PAGANINI. “The Movement Idea welcomes the invitation from the League and will be present tomorrow in Parma with a delegation led by President Gaetano Quagliariello.” And ‘what is said in a statement the move “Idea”.
“The renzismo crisis and the scale of the events that are consumed around us – continues – call for a reflection on the contents that can facilitate the construction of a plural center as a winning alternative to empty arrogance of power that governs us ». “To help with this path will be there tomorrow and we will continue in the future with similar initiatives to do our part for an open, frank and constructive that would give answers to an electorate that has proven to be for sale and waiting – concluded note – an articulated policy proposal and accomplished able to represent him. ”

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