One piece by Umberto Eco ( “on the functions she literature”, taken from the collection of essays “on literature”) and, for the subject of History, women to vote since 1946, with two songs one of the poet and partisan Alba de Cespedes and the other by Anna Banti, the author of the novel “Artemisia.” These early rumors, circulated on the net already at 8:38 (eight minutes after the start of Maturity 2016) relating to the tracks for the theme. For the topicality, students are asked to reflect on the boundaries, walls and fences, construction and overcoming of boundaries, wars over borders, from a text by Piero Zanini. Four titles, then, for the newspaper article or a short essay: the relationship between father and son in art and literature (among the sources also “Letter to His Father,” Kafka, Federico Tozzi “With eyes closed”, the work of de Chirico’s “the prodigal son” and that of Umberto Saba “My father was for me the murderess’). “Growth, development and social progress. GDP is the measure of all things? “For the socio-economic essay. In the third issue, the historical-political – that focuses on the “value of the landscape” (with a quotation from Vittorio Sgarb, from a speech at an event of the unification of Italy 150 years commemoration) is revealed that clue that the Education Minister Stefania Giannini had given to half a million leavers yesterday, participating in a chat “Green”, the interviewer had said he was asking “a clue, a color … ». Finally, last title: “the man and the adventure of space” in the type short essay in the technical-scientific field: a track that takes its cue from the experiences of the two Italian astronauts Umberto Guidoni and Samantha Cristoforetti.
Before the news, the” whole-examination ‘this time he approached the goal. Because the traces were “predictable as the photos on Instagram after the rainbow,” tweets Stefania all’hashtag “# maturity”. The community of students claim to have hit at least three tracks on seven. First of all that the great essayist, philosopher, writer, passed away on February 16, on top of all the odds. Even the universal suffrage of 1946 was anticipated by rumors of Eve: assumed a track on the 70th anniversary of the republic-monarchy referendum. And the text taken from the book by Zanini can be traced back to the macro-theme of immigration, to bookmarks.
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Maturity 2016, on Twitter ironies and jokes on the Green: “Green as the Hulk, here’s how I will be”
Maturity 2016, on Twitter ironies and jokes on the Green: “Green as the Hulk, here’s how I will be”
Maturity 2016, on Twitter ironies and jokes on the Green: “Green as the Hulk, here’s how I will be”
Maturity 2016, on Twitter ironies and jokes on the Green: “Green as the Hulk, here’s how I will be”
Maturity 2016, on Twitter ironies and jokes on the Green: “Green as the Hulk, here’s how I will be”
Maturity 2016, on Twitter ironies and jokes on the Green: “Green as the Hulk, here’s how I will be”
Half a million students (503,452 to be exact, 487,476 internal and external 15,976) today faces the first written test, that of Italian equal for all addresses. As in past years, the process of traces of written tests took place through the electronic envelope “envelopes” encrypted delivered by computer to schools. For their openness was required a password, which was announced shortly after 8 from the minister (in green dress, as if to confirm the ” clue ‘Eve), live by One Morning studies. The password was published simultaneously also on the homepage of the Ministry (DSQ7RMSSJ5XJ27HR3E3NJZUVW, we read about By matching this code to the one already in their possession commissions have “downloaded” the themes to be proposed to leavers. For boys the usual range of choices: text analysis, writing of a newspaper article / short essay, the topic of historical subject, the subject of a general nature. Six hours to carry out. “Do your best and you will be fine. Good luck to all the girls and boys who today begin the # maturita2016 exams. ” So the president of the Senate, Pietro Grasso, on Twitter.
in greeting to leavers, Tuesday evening, the minister had anticipated: “This year we wanted a package for the Italian test simplified, without too many attachments, so that really every guy can reflect and express himself. ” “Every student – said the minister – will find a nearby track to their sensibilities. I wish you all a great good luck. Faced the test with commitment, sense of responsibility, given the best of yourself. I’m sure you will.
June 22, 2016 (edited June 22, 2016 | 11:15)

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