Rome – Matteo Renzi has convened a summit at Palazzo Chigi to examine the implications of Brexit and the vote of the British who established the European Union’s output. And tomorrow will be the Elysee for a meeting with François Hollande. Around the table today, along with the President of the Council, they met Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni, the Economy Pier Carlo Padoan, the colleague of Economic Development Carlo Calenda, the governor of the Bank of Italy Ignazio Visco and the Secretary to Presidency of the Council with responsibility for intelligence Marco Minniti.
at the end of the summit the prime minister, after talking on the phone with French President Hollande and German Chancellor Merke tweeted: “We have to change it to make it more human and more just. but Europe is our home, it is our future. ” Words that the presidentre Council reiterated at a press conference in which he announced a Monday meeting in Berlin with Holland and Merkel. “If I want to give a name to europe I want to call home. Europe is our home. It ‘s the home of our children and our grandchildren. It’ a house that needs to be restored, refreshed, but it is the home of the our tomorrow, “stressed the prime minister. Path shared by Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni that says: “This vote is a wake up call for Europe, an opportunity for the revival of the common policy for growth, defense and immigration. Italy believes it.”
Renzi also responds to the concerns of those who, like Romano Prodi is expected from Europe and the Italian government “of the assurances and commitments for action, even outside the European rules, provided for in emergency situations.” “The Government of the European institutions are in a position to guarantee by any means the stability of the financial system and the security of savers,” replied the Prime Minister.
While the institutions are trying to run for cover against the possible effects of Brexit, politics It is divided on the British vote. Exults Matteo Salvini : “Long live the courage of free citizens of Great Britain !!! The heart, the head and the pride they beat the lies, threats and blackmail. Thanks UK, now finally change the ‘Europe, now it’s our turn. ” hot comments that the governor of the Veneto League’s Luca Zaia translates with a wish: “The referendum will be the mood contagion in all countries, including Italy.” And in fact at a later Salvini press conference announcing: “The important thing is that Italy is not the last to get off this sinking ship. We will collect signatures for a proposal for a popular law to allow Italians to vote also on the international.
<'p> treated a request that comes from the leader of the Brothers of Italy Giorgia Meloni : “Now we want in Europe back democracy, that these issues are always the people to choose and that the European institutions are returned to the people and removed from the property of the business committees. ” On the side of those who hoped a different outcome now we think about tomorrow, to relaunch the process of European unification and the risks that are seen on the horizon. Especially for our country “Italy is not weak and is not at risk in the short term at least as long in Europe will operate the umbrella of the ECB. The problem is the political response to be given in a short time,” says the chairman of the Budget Committee dem House Francesco Boccia. Everyone, meanwhile, are calling for a change in policies and practices del’Unione.
This attitude is summed up in an appeal Former President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano instead, launches “appeal to all social and political forces and people of responsibility rethink their attitudes and they take such as strengthening institutions, because the vacuum does not prevail.” Interior Minister Angelino Alfano , calls on the European Council to take action without hesitation. “I hope that the next European Council will take the decision to send off those who want to stay in Europe. I wish I could never say it, but this is the only way one can not pretend to leave and then not do it. So too comfortable: you can not have your cake and eat it too. ” He adds: “It ‘s time that the Socialist Party and the European People’s decide together to give a big steering economic policy, deciding to loosen the constraints.”
more complicated situation in the Five Star Movement. Yesterday on the blog of Beppe Grillo a post in favor of staying in the European Union had appeared. For canbiarla inside, he explained grillini leader. Today, however, Luigi Di Maio welcomes the vote of the British and sided for a vote on the EU even in Italy.
“Britain is outside the Union – says the vice president grillino of the House – and Cameron resigned. they decided the British public in a referendum. it ‘s the most expensive street in the 5 Star Movement, to ask citizens an opinion on the arguments for the people. No government should be afraid of democratic expression of their own people, indeed must consider his will as the most authoritative of the mandates. “
the desire for a vote on the EU emerges from the words of the Executive Board member grillino Alessandro Di Battista : “like it or not the English people have chosen and it has every right. and while the UK citizens take the right to command us pretend to remove the Senate when in reality the only thing that take is the right to vote for senators. ” And in the end receives the imprimatur of the founder’s blog that raises the demand for a popular vote.
So behind the comments on Brexit peep our constitutional referendum of October and the controversy sull’annunciato abandonment of Renzi in case of scofitta. Abandonment that had been put in doubt after the British prime minister had ruled out his resignation. Cameron explains constitutionalist Stefano Ceccanti, renziano, resigned after the defeat. “Why – he says – it was obviously a prime minister who loses a national referendum resigns. All the times that direct democracy denies the representative democracy we resigns, is politically inevitable, statements or not, we avoid
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