Tuesday, June 14, 2016

“Berlusconi, the operation failed heart” – Il Sole 24 Ore


The operation went well. Silvio Berlusconi, as per protocol, is still dormant intensive terpaia but the surgery to replace the aortic valve that had “feared for his life” has succeeded. The former prime minister was brought to the operating room around 8 while photographers immortalized Francesca Pascale in lascrime looking out the window. But what matters is the verdict of the surgeon, Professor Ottavio Alfieri: “The surgery went as planned, very well, without any complications,” explained the primary of the San Raffaele, officially confirming what had anticipated a few hours before Gianni Letta , interrupting his speech during the presentation of the award “Biagio Agnes,” he made the announcement.

Now, however, “it takes care, it takes patience, it takes hold,” stated Alberto Zangrillo, doctor trusted former premier. Berlusconi will be released today or tomorrow from the ICU, to return to his room on the sixth floor of the pavilion D, where it should remain for another week, before starting rehabilitation. With former Prime Minister, yesterday, in addition to the children and the Pascale, his brother Paul and Fedele Confalonieri that around 12 was released from the hospital showing off a smile: “The Knight is strong and will weather this.” And in Milan there was also the treasurer of the party and feldelissima Berlusconi Maria Rosaria Rossi, that is precisely why yesterday afternoon did not participate in the Bureau of the Party convened to approve the financial statements.

a routine meeting and obliged the time (the budget was approved before 15), which, however, was affected by tensions within the party. In the viewfinder the “magic circle”, starting from Rossi, who had sent the accompanying report. They say that the more severe attack has come from Altero Matteoli: “It’s like being in an apartment building a few people, this report is embarrassing, not looking to the future and even the present.” Very critical also the leader in the Senate Paolo Romani that at this time fi is a party unable to offer a perspective. “That is not a serious thing, I do not vote,” he said, lamenting the Romans also professional shortcomings. The report confirms the serious debt situation and the need to contain costs by enabling parallel a new membership campaign and fund raising. Eventually the green light has arrived because otherwise it would open a “case.” But it is already also and especially because of the absence forced Berlusconi.

The family at this time decided to keep around the Knight a security cordon, restricting already in recent days visits and phone calls . A regime that will be further strengthened in the coming days, when it will begin the phase of rehabilitation which is quite tiring.


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