It prolongs hospitalization at the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan Silvio Berlusconi. The resignation, in fact, slipping to a date between 10 and 14 July after the ‘ open heart surgery for the replacement of a valve, but the turnaround in the house Forza Italy is already in full. Jump in fact the magic circle with the Defenestration of Mariarosaria Rossi, Deborah Bergamini and Alessia Slater (pictured below with Francesca Pascale) and enter loyalists Marina, Fedele Confalonieri, Gianni Letta and Nicolo Ghedini. There are those who, with a strong image but effective, spoke of “the end of Calippato” referring to ice cream that Francesca Pascale advertised with a certain greed in his youth. No coincidence there are sites like that for years Dagospia refer to Francesca ironically calling the Calippa.
Rossi has already resigned
it seems So consumed revenge of the eldest daughter of former prime minister after the tour de force ahead of the first round for starting administrative June which took the blue leader in hospital. Manager against plenipotenziarie party, to start right from Mariarosaria Rossi, who in his hands he held the treasury and did the only administrator. And who has already resigned.
next is Deborah Bergamini
Via also Deborah Bergamini (pictured above), responsible for media relations, role – according to well informed – will go to parliamentary Valentino Valentini, formerly Berlusconi’s interpreter. Blame the disastrous support to Alfio Marchini for the municipal of Rome. It now remains to be seen how will reduced the role of the girlfriend of Berlusconi, Francesca Pascale, which is likely to disappear from important decisions
Berlusconi: now enters also Marinella in the war of succession, the news of the June 16, 2016
in the near future of Silvio Berlusconi, may be a significant return. Obviously women. This is not an affair of the past that recurs, but a professional iron liaison, helped by the necessary rehabilitation after open-heart surgery. It’s the one with the historical secretary Marinella Brambilla (pictured below with the former wife of the blue leader, Veronica Lario, on the day of his wedding) and to talk about it is a character always knowledgeable, Luigi Bisignani, the journalist and manager born in the shadow of P2 which has stood backstage politics that matters despite the judicial stumble.
A partnership lasted 30 years
But who is Marinella Brambilla? Ousted from his role when he imposed the magic circle of Mariarosaria Rossi and Deborah Bergamini, pair of iron alongside Francesca Pascale, has met Berlusconi in childhood, when his mother worked as a housekeeper in Milan residence via Rovani. Then, she is grown and gained a degree at Bocconi University, was more of a secretary has been the most trusted collaborator, always with him around in a camper for conventions Publitalia up in Paris, in the Elysee way home.
the former secretary shakes the magic circle
it was Marinella who ran the contacts of former Knight, which recognized the party’s intentions on the phone and which was available 24 hours a 24. Then came the magic circle, and with that the ouster of the secretary, sent away once got pregnant despite having represented an offshoot of Berlusconi. Summed up by the son of the former prime minister, Louis, in 2014, now that it outlines the possibility of his return, in the war of succession for her other two cheering loyalists marginalized, Fedele Confalonieri and Gianni Letta, deployed alongside the children, while fear is Pascale-Rossi-Bergamini troika.
Navy against Francesca: is the war of succession
it’s time to put away the handkerchief because tears are no longer needed. And also it came to reunite the family and the magic circle around his Silvio. Francesca Pascale, the companion of the former prime minister who continues to be targeted by Marina, breathing a sigh of relief after the Silvio transfer to intensive care says: “There, I’ve just seen. He woke up, I can relax, I’m told. “
” my feelings on display? Who do we throw critical “
Then the woman, Neapolitan Fuorigrotta and nearly 50 years younger than Berlusconi, takes issue with which the accused has to showcase its state d ‘ mind being photographed sobbing: “Flaunt my feelings? I prefer to judge rather than to wish him the same thing. Wish him to go through what I have lived and am living. ” Then talk about how you feel 24 hours after open-heart surgery.
” After my mother’s death, I was afraid “
“I do not even know how I feel right now,” says Francesca Pascale. “Relief, hope, malaise, fatigue. He could not say anything. It is in a state of drowsiness. But of course I was tried, now that I greeted. He was very thirsty and Dr. Zangrillo it did drink, wetting her lips gently. And I? Anything. We only shook hands. It was the first time, after the death of my mother, I had so much fear and I saw life from the side of the suffering and insecurity. “
The reference to ‘ units around the former premier
Finally, the young woman wants to put an end to the struggles unleashed after the sudden illness and hospitalization Berlusconi at San Raffaele. Because, according to his account, before the operating room revenue, he said: “Whatever happens, stay united. You are important to me, you do not care divisions, jealousies. “
Marina:” The audience cried? The straw that breaks the camel ‘
Of Berlusconi’s health has also affected his ex-wife, Veronica Lario, while the children are gathered around his father. Marina, the eldest, is still furious and his anger against the female magic circle of former Prime Minister, instead of subsiding, grows. Especially against Francesca Pascale. For the Empress of Berlusconi dynasty, the audience cried the young companion of his father, “was the straw that broke the camel.”
Do not stop the war of succession
Silvio Berlusconi is hospitalized after heart surgery and around the bedside has already opened the struggle for the succession. A succession that, in the feuds that split the center-right does not now, he sees women in the entourage of former premier a more aggressive fronts, but not compact.
The growing fury daughter of former Prime Minister
In the first place there is the daughter Marina, already mentioned several times as the political heir and company by Knight. If on the second side of the scepter has already collected some time, on the political side he declined to subsequent shots flattery of Forza Italy party leader. And now Marina Berlusconi is just angry with the entourage of his father because of the efforts to which Berlusconi has undergone during the election campaign, risking their lives. “Dad does not have to go on the stage,” he said.
the fears of Francesca
the Marina fury will also appeal against Tsarina, Francesca Pascale, a few years the young blue leader companion. Always at his side in public occasions, it is the Neapolitan pasionaria the target of barbs of the daughter of the former prime minister. But against Pascale also focuses the current led by former minister Maurizio Lupi, an ally of the center in Milan.
The hatred Mariarosaria and Deborah
With Pascale, could miss even the harem of Berlusconi composed Mariarosaria Rossi, Special Commissioner of the party since May 20, 2014, and by Deborah Bergamini (pictured above with Rossi and Pascale), another prominent name of the magic circle the leading and most powerful communications manager of Forza Italy. The latter, however, intervenes to deny wars of succession: “The imaginative reconstructions in the newspapers today about the reorganization of Forza Italy are baseless and have obviously intended, in vain, to want to bring confusion in our movement” .
the rise of Mara
And for a troika in pink going down, there are 2 female names already in vogue growing . The first is that of another bell, Mara Carfagna , spokesman of Forza Italy in the House and reinforced by 6,109 preferences taken in the first round of the local elections of June 5. “If Forza Italy held to thank the women,” said no coincidence. Words that constitute an assist its Lombard counterpart, Maria Stella Gelmini, the former minister most votes in Milan with over 12,000 preferences.
Accounts adjusted to September
at this point, since the previous curriculum and the consent in the secrecy of the ballot boxes of the last two, there is more of a blue that fears pending the possible “settling of accounts”, foreseen in the convention that could be convened for September.
Brunetta: “not by wars of succession”
Renato Brunetta, leader of Forza Italy in the House, on the morning of today took the word on Facebook on this alleged “night of the long knives” in the blue house. “It should be noted with regret, writes,” The horrible cynicism of the newspapers that have unduly forced the obvious, sincere and thoughtful words of Prof. personal physician Alberto Zangrillo, to declare the end of Berlusconi’s policy in order to wage a war of succession. They are wrong, big. “
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