Sunday, June 19, 2016

Milano key challenge, in Rome sparks Pd-M5S – Il Sole 24 Ore

On election silence breaks the case rays. A controversy that goes beyond the scale of the Roman vote confirming that tonight the game has a national political significance. Yesterday, the candidate of the M5s in Rome defended itself against accusations of Facebook having concealed his advice to the local health authorities of Civitavecchia (ruled by M5s), publishing self-certification which demonstrates the correctness of his position and attacking what he calls a “frame” hatched against him by the Democratic Party. A defense supported by all the M5s, by Di Ruocco Battittista to and against which in turn lashed the Democratic Party, accusing grillini of violating the electoral silence, and recalling that “discover the Rays lies was the Done and not the Democratic Party. “

The stakes for Renzi and Pd

To further raise the temperature in the capital is also the controversy exploded around Andrea Lo Cicero, the former rugby sample indicated by the Rays as one his future councilors to the Capitol. On twitter you were reposted an article of Liberation on the sentencing of rugby to pay 150 thousand euro in damages to his former club Toulouse, for having called in sick when in fact he was playing with the Italian national team and some of his statements deemed homophobic by gay center.

A national test

The faces of Renzi challengers

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the tension of these hours is proof of how these administrative They have become a real test. 8.6 million Italians are called to vote today will choose not only the mayors of major cities, but – more or less consciously – will provide the answers of which political forces can not be ignored. Goes for Matteo Renzi, despite the Prime Minister has from the beginning relegated this election consulatazione to a local test, postponing the verdict on his stay at Palazzo Chigi in the constitutional referendum of October. But also it applies to the M5s and the center-right Berlusconi and Salvini that you play a lot of his future in Milan.

Berlusconi tip of Milan

Mail at stake for Renzi and Pd

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Palazzo Marino the conquest by Stefano Parisi, would confirm that the center is still united competitive but also need to focus on that to win votes of moderates. The League-axis FDI has shown in the Roman game of not being self-sufficient, despite Giorgia Meloni party has its stronghold in the capital. A fact to which is added the defeat of the League in Milan, voiced by Fi the first round, and the affirmation of a candidate who has carefully avoided using the propaganda of the Northern League (Parisi has looked well even from expressing the constitutional referendum ) and on which Silvio Berlusconi has left its trademark ( “a man of action, capable and competent”). Two results for both rebalance the relationships within the coalition. Milan can represent a new beginning for the center on which, however, does not weigh as little of Berlusconi health. Despite extensive reassurances of doctors on the resumption of the Knight of here in a month and got input by Berlusconi himself before and after surgery, the uncertainty of what will engage the x remain prime minister and will weigh in comparison post voting in the future, both in case of victory of Parisi defeat.

L ‘ “alliance” against Renzi

But on the Milan-Turin also plays Renzi left and the Democratic Party threatened by the “holy covenant” (as he called the premier) between M5s and center-right that if you were to confirm today most likely would result in a defeat at the polls in both cities. The head to head in the first round between Sala and Giuseppe Parisi does not induce optimism also because the unpredictability of that 10% collected from M5s. Turin is also far from obvious.


Despite the distance of 11 points in the first round between incumbent Mayor of Torino Piero Fassino and the candidate grillina Chiara hanger, rollover risk is real if the losers are coalizzassero. The League Morano got 8% and the centrist Red, which he did as Salvini an explicit endorsement pro hanger 5%. Fassino could prove decisive in this case the votes collected by forzista Osvaldo Napoli (5.3%), which is dissociated from the holy covenant.

Grillo wants the bang

Beppe Grillo, who until two weeks ago would be content in Roma victory, now points to the coup. It is one thing to conquer the Capitol against dem Roberto Giachetti that during the election campaign took on his shoulders the weight of the failure of the junta Marino and investigation of Mafia-Capital, another is to win in Turin, where the center-left in power since 1993, and against a mayor who five years ago won 56% of the vote in the first round. It would be probably the most striking, because M5s would deliver to the role of the main opponent of Matteo Renzi. A role that the prime minister has always denied, so much so that commenting on the election results two weeks ago said that at the opponent of the Democratic Party was the center-right Berlusconi.

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