Thursday, June 23, 2016

Brexit or Europe, London at the crossroads. Cameron: “remain” for the future. The output front: historic turning point – The Messenger

Stations opened in the UK by 7 am local time (8 in Italy) and up to 22 (23 in Italy) for the referendum on Brexit, intended to determine the permanence or otherwise of the EU London. To vote are called about 46.5 million voters. The question is dry: “The UK should remain a member of the EU or leave the European Union?”. And there are two alternatives: “Remain” or “Leave”, in or out.

“Remain” in the lead by 4 points on Brexit, 52% to 48% according to a survey carried out before the opening of the polls by Ipsos Mori for the Evening Standard newspaper. The publication of the survey is contributing to the strengthening of the price lists and the pound.

“Remain Vote, so our children and grandchildren will have a brighter future,” he tweeted British Prime Minister David Cameron after voting, insiem and with his wife Samantha, in favor of the permanence of the EU Great Britain.

A Brexit “will represent a turning point in the history of our country” and will be “a triumph for democracy: it is instead convinced the former mayor of London, Boris Johnson, one of the spokespersons of the campaign in favor of the Leave. In an exclusive interview with the Telegraph online Johnson he argues that Britain outside the EU “will become much more

 rich “and says he is ready to sacrifice their careers in exchange for a Brexit.

The latest polls indicate a heads up. Although the institute Ipos Mori opinion poll gives the yes EU in measuring edge in the no. The survey, completed last night, but now widespread in the media, says Remain at 52% and Leave to 48. Among the last 4 polls published yesterday in Britain, two (of ComRes and YouGov) have also given Remain in the head, while two more (Opinium and TNS) have credited a slight advantage to Leave. British bookmakers give widely favored remain: bettors give more than 73% chance to win the permanence Union.

The future of Europe is in fact entrusted to the moods and the moods of the British. The last cartridges of an election campaign to the poison, more emotional than reasoned, were fired yesterday. First the two premier David Cameron, champion of the campaign: dioscuri-rival Tory to remain in the EU, and the former Mayor of London Boris Johnson, the man the media output flag, but also the suitor shadow to Downing Street armchair.

Cameron, who to this referendum has opened the doors for internal political calculations, he addressed his final appeals in a flurry of interviews in the newspapers, but also among the people in his constituency in Oxfordshire and among young people in a school, the generation that could have the most to lose from the cut: Britain – insisted like a mantra – is and will be “more prosperous, stronger and more secure” if it remains ‘in a’ reformed European Union. ” But he is ready to “accept the instruction of the people,” he added.

Far politically one thousand miles, but in the same boat Remain, even the radical leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, was felt. To say no to Brexit: “We vote Remain to defend jobs and workers’ rights,” he said, and then “change Europe from within.” The attempt of the last hours of the pro-EU was to nail the rivals of Leave – focused in recent weeks to ride a high rate of populism dossier such as the containment of immigration – the platform ‘extremist’ Nigel Farage: the UKIP tribune, that the divorce from Brussels made a reason for living, and that yesterday (encouraged by some recent surveys which indicate a head to head, but with a slight advantage for Leave) claimed to feel “of winning technology.”

eurosceptic conservatives led by Johnson and Minister of Justice Michael Gove tried as opposed to distance themselves from the uncomfortable traveling companion and, at least in recent days, to lower a bit ‘tones: especially after the killing of Jo Cox, the Labour MP champion of European migrants and integration that very night, in the day when he had to make 42, was commemorated in Trafalgar square, in

 Yorkshire and in various cities of the world in an atmosphere of emotional tribute to his figure and his ideas.

Yesterday Johnson, coming down from the bus onto which has campaigned around the kingdom, denied even once he had winked to UKIP slogan, let alone that it has fed a climate “of hatred” in the country, as has reproached yesterday in a final TV debate BBC his successor in the chair of the London city , Sadiq Khan, Labour and son of immigrants. “Not true, I do optimism lever about the future of Britain and its people,” he reiterated tonight blond former mayor: exit from the EU mean just “take back control of our businesses, immigration and our democracy. ” But in the end did not fail to adopt the same watchword Farage, invoking the dream of an “Independence Day” in the United Kingdom ( “nonsense,” replied Cameron).

The number-symbol of the opposing sides are meanwhile two: Remain for the 4300 pounds a year would lose every British family for the consequences of a Brexit; Leave for the 350 million pounds that Britain would save a week. Two both questionable figures: the first because it is purely hypothetical, the second because calculated without scruples net of huge profits that the island derives from membership in the club of 28.

Profits of which shows whether you aware nothing but a significant part of the business world of the kingdom, as confirmed by the appeal in extremis published in the Times as 1,285 top managers of many British companies (1.75 million total workers) remain within the EU according to which “is good for the business, it is good for jobs, good for the country. ” Shared belief to the last of the heads of financial institutions and Western governments, including Matteo Renzi, author of an open letter to the British Guardian.


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