Thursday, June 30, 2016

Italicum, in September a motion in the House – Il Sole 24 Ore


Italicum and confirmatory referendum on Senate reform and Title V. Closed summit in Brussels which absorbed the blow Brexit, the political debate in Italy back focus on the new electoral law, which otherwise will be applicable only tomorrow, and on plots with autumn referendum which Matteo Renzi has linked his political fate. Only yesterday, in an e-news, the prime minister and secretary of the Democratic Party has reiterated its intention to give way if Italians were to reject the “reform of the reforms” by giving precedence to the No. While the Italian Left Chamber (the grouping that brings together Sel and exiles of the Democratic Party including Stefano Fassina and Alfredo d’Attorre) has re-opened the Pandora’s box of the electoral law by submitting a motion of address which will be discussed in September.

“in many are trying not to talk about the referendum – Renzi writes to his supporters -. Think about it: go on TV and do not speak of merit, on merit because they know that reform is an important step forward in the expected direction for decades – Renzi writes to his supporters -. No, they did not speak about. They talk about me. They say that I was wrong to say that if I lose I go home: and you think I can become a chicken from leaking battery and pretends to nothing? Do they think that I can be like them? If I lose I go away, it is normal and logical. ” Renzi For the real question is not whether or not to remain in the government in case of defeat in the referendum, but is trying to de-personalize as much as possible the referendum campaign at the start ( “the goal is 10 thousand committees for the Yes by September») staking everything on merit: the legislative simplification with the overcoming of perfect bicameralism, armchairs and reducing the costs of politics, abolition of useless bodies like the Cnel, return of many economic expertise by the regions to the state. “If we can make truth prevail on a personal controversy we will have a simpler country, that works best.”

How all’Italicum, yesterday it took it was a motion presented by vendoliani address of Si to officially start the discussion on the changes. The motion commits the government to amend the electoral law in places deemed unconstitutional prior to a Consulta and group leaders decided to insert it, as it had to act with the motions presented by the opposition, in the September of the Chamber works program. But for the scheduling real need another group leaders. And the minister for Maria Elena Boschi Reform takes pains to point out right away that “to date nothing has been decided. It also emphasizes that, in particular, to be eventually discussed in plenary would be an act of the government address the scope of its competence (the motion in fact) and not the Italicum or proposals for amendments thereto. ” And Renzi, for its part, minimizes during the evening live on Facebook: “The motion sull’Italicum? It is a motion that will be discussed in Parliament, there are so many …. ” Still a bit ‘all, from the left of the Democratic Party in Forza Italy, have taken advantage of the initiative is to revive the changes to be made all’Italicum. In the viewfinder above the prize to the list, that critics want to change with the prize to the coalition.

We’ve got to write in these columns that really the prize to the list, as well as being pleasing to the M5S that has no allies, it is functional to the idea of ​​calling the majority party wanted by Renzi. No quarrelsome coalition of the past for a handful of votes, is the premier online. However the fact that the all’Italicum changes we speak and that Renzi itself does not close the door completely ( “we discuss everything”) serves to keep open the political channel with the centrist majority, in agitation for their political future and for this favor the reintroduction of coalitions. The truth is that before the celebration of the referendum, between October and December, the Italicum will not be touched. Also because October 4 Consulta will decide on the eligibility of previously submitted questions. And even if the Constitutional Court were to reject complaints for defect of form (the questions have been submitted before the entry into force of the law), constitutional reform – provided it is approved by the people – still provides for the preventive judgment so sull’Italicum as on all the electoral laws that were to be adopted in the future. Just take a look at these temporal and causal joints to understand that the debate on all’Italicum changes is at least premature, if not instrumental by some. But Renzi and his weak so far do not slam doors unnecessarily.


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