Tuesday, June 21, 2016

New scandal in the City of Rome for the Roma. Ray: “Now we turn the page” – AGI

(AGI) – Discovered a tour of the Roma camps bribes for contracts involving some employees of the City of Rome . The investigation of the Prosecutor, which has nothing to do with the investigation maxi Mafia Capital , covers the period between the end of the 2013 and the end of the 2014 .

The charges are corruption, falsification of public document and bid rigging . Arrested four entrepreneurs: Roberto Chierici, Massimo Colangelo, Loris Talone and Savior of May and ended up under house arrest the officer of the City of Rome, Alessandra Morgillo and policeman Eliseo De Luca. Arranged a disqualification for an official Vito Fulco. Emanuela Salvatori also investigated, the official from the Municipality that last November was sentenced to four years in prison as part of the process of Mafia capital.

The arrest order was signed by the investigating judge preliminary Flavia Costantini on the prosecutor’s request added Paul Ielo and substitutes Carlo Lasperanza, Edoardo De Santis, Luca Tescaroli and Maria Letizia Golfieri.

According to the reconstruction of the investigators, the bribes were worth from 3 thousand euro up and were also exchanged within the premises of the City . The investigation came from wiretaps, but emerged later also video.

The new mayor of Rome Virginia Rays, he readily commented on the story, with a message in Twitter: “Now


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