Thursday, June 23, 2016

Brexit, today at 46.5 million British urns. The latest poll: “Remain” in the lead at 52% – The Republic

London – The longest day for Europe. Today Britain chooses whether to stay in the European Union or vote for the Brexit and exit. “Who is out, it’s out, no other compromise is possible”, warns Brussels President Jean-Claude Juncker Commission tomorrow will meet at a summit to four with European Parliament President Schulz, what Tusk of the European Council and the Dutch prime Minister Rutte in his capacity as current President of the EU Council. In these hours Juncker is having consultations with European leaders. Also voltage markets: if Brexit is feared the “Black Friday” of the pound, but also of the Old Continent Bags.

Meanwhile they have already gone to vote the two leading figures of the campaign in favor of “Remain”. The premier David Cameron , together with his wife Samantha, went to the polling station in London and then tweeted:

“Vote Remain, so our children and grandchildren will have a future brighter “. A ven the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn went to vote in Islington in favor of the EU permanently and immediately voiced his vote on Twitter: “I just voted Remain. the EU offers the best framework to meet the challenges of our times .” On the other side of the “Leave”, the leader of the UKIP party Nigel Farage has come to the polling station in gray: the Twitter profile of the party appeared the invitation to voters to follow his example. Farage, in fact, said that the outcome of the referendum will depend largely dall’affluenza to the polls.

Urns open . The polls have opened at 8 am (Italian time) and you can vote up to 23. The vote also is responsible for the weather alert: British authorities have issued various alerts for possible indondazioni due to the torrential rains which for days fall to the United Kingdom. Citizens were advised to take precautions, especially in London and in areas of Kent, Surrey and Sussex, as well as in East Anglia, where were announced delays in rail services. In London’s already it raining and it is expected that within a few hours of rain will fall an amount equal to that which falls in an entire month. P art of metro network and that of the urban trains were blocked, while firefighters have registarto an increase in requests for help. A situation that could make it difficult access to polling stations in some areas. different situation in Scotland, where the sun shines and the turnout at the polls is good. High the percentage of votes cast by mail. The prime minister Nicola Sturgeon, lined up against the release by the EU, was photographed on her way to vote early this morning in Glasgow.

The latest polls. According to an Ipsos-Mori poll has closed last night, 52% of Britons would like to remain in Europe and 48% would be in favor of Brexit. The dissemination of the survey, the pound was up against the dollar, reaching a maximum of six months, with a rise of 1.2%. The survey conducted on a sample of 1,592 people was commissioned by the Evening Standard newspaper and was conducted between Tuesday and Wednesday, but was only published today in the polls open. Two other last-minute surveys, disseminated in the imminence of the opening of polling stations, gave the opposite of yes EU (Remain) ahead of that of no (Leave): YouGov by a whisker, with 51% against 49, while ComRes more sharply, 54% to 46.

Brexit, today at 46.5 million British  polls. The latest poll: & quot; Remain & quot; on  top of the 52%

There will, officially, exit polls although it is likely that in the early hours of the night between today and tomorrow will come out directions and guidelines. The first official results are expected at dawn on Friday, and by 8 you will know whether the United Kingdom will remain in the European Union or will detach himself from it, in a process which, however, according to analysts and experts, will last from the two to seven years. But the consequences of a possible exit from the EU will still be felt immediately, because other nations of the Old World and especially the anti-Europeans of all countries seek to exploit, whether it will be in their favor, the British results. long lead time for the possible output, partly because Britain will in fact negotiate with all states bilateral agreements Europeans once established the success of the “Leave.”

the Special follow live, throughout the night, the counting with a special that will include in addition to information on the results as they become available even comments and audio and video connections with the signatures of the newspaper and our correspondents in European capitals.

The number of voters . The games are closed, the future of Europe is now entrusted to the moods and the moods of the British. Are 46.5 million voters called to account ‘Leave’ or ‘Remain’ in the referendum on the EU.

Election campaign to poison the two opposing Tory leader, David Cameron, and the ‘ former Mayor of London, Boris Johnson . The last cartridges of an election campaign to the poison were fired yesterday. First the two dioscuri-Tory rivals: Prime Minister David Cameron, “Champion” Remain, and the former Mayor of London Boris Johnson, the man flag of “Leave” in the media, but also the suitor shadow chairside Downing Street. Boris has called ” insane ” alarmism Cameron on the disastrous consequences of a Brexit , when she was summoned by Prime Minister the risk of a new world war in Europe in case Britain’s exit from the Union. Johnson went on to reject rumors that the support to the campaign of “no” would be a decisive step towards the challenge to the leadership of the party. He would also reassured his friend Dave telling him: “Whatever happens after the referendum you must stay in your place.”

appeals end . Cameron, who to this referendum has opened the doors for internal political calculations, he addressed his final appeals in a flurry of interviews in the newspapers, but also among the people in his constituency in Oxfordshire and among young people of a school , the generation that could have the most to lose from the cut: Britain is and will be “more prosperous, stronger and more secure” if it remains “in a European Union reformed.” But he is ready to “accept the instructions of the people,” he added.

Far politically one thousand miles, but in the same boat Remain, even the radical leader of Labour, Jeremy Corbyn, was heard yesterday . To say no to Brexit in his own way: “We vote Remain to defend jobs and workers’ rights,” he said, and then “change Europe from within.” The attempt of the last hours of the pro-EU was to nail the rivals of Leave – focused in recent weeks to ride a high rate of populism dossier such as the containment of immigration – the <"extremist" platform / strong> Nigel Farage: UKIP the tribune, that the divorce from Brussels made a reason for living, and that yesterday evening claimed to feel “smell of victory.”

Conservative Eurosceptics . Eurosceptic Conservatives led by Johnson and Minister of Justice Michael Gove tried as opposed to distance themselves from the uncomfortable traveling companion and, at least in recent days, to lower a bit ‘tones: especially after the killing of Jo Cox, the Labour MP champion of European migrants and integration that just yesterday, the day that was supposed to take 42 years, was commemorated in Trafalgar square, in Yorkshire and in various cities in the world. His murderess, Thomas ‘Tommy’ Mair, 52, will be tried in the fall by a court according to the rules of terrorism cases. He says the Guardian online at the end of a brief hearing held today before the courts of the Old Bailey, in London, responsible for the murders and serious crimes. “Independence Day”, but the leader of Leave split . For his part, Johnson, leader of the conservative pro-Brexit, getting off the bus at the edge of which has campaigned around the kingdom, he has once again denied that he had winked to UKIP slogan, let alone to have fueled a climate “hate” in the country, as he reproached in last TV debate with the BBC his successor on the London citizen bench, Sadiq Khan, Labour and son of immigrants. “It is not true, I do leverage on optimism about the future of Britain and its people,” reiterated the blond former mayor: exit from the EU mean just “take back control of our businesses, and our immigration democracy”. But in the end he did not fail to adopt the same word order of Farage, calling for today’s dream of a “Independence Day” in the United Kingdom ( “nonsense,” replied Cameron).
The symbol numbers . The numbers-symbols of the opposing sides are meanwhile two: Remain for the 4300 pounds a year would lose every British family for the consequences of a Brexit ; Leave for the 350 million pounds that Britain would save a week. Two digits both questionable: the first because it is purely hypothetical, the second because calculated without scruples net of huge profits that the island derives from membership in the club of 28. Profit is aware shows if only a significant part of the world the second of which remain within the EU “is good for business, good affairs of the kingdom, as confirmed by the appeal in extremis published in the Times as 1,285 top managers of many British companies (1.75 million total workers) to employment, is good for the country. ” Shared belief to the last of the heads of financial institutions and Western governments, including Matteo Renzi, author of an open letter to the British Guardian. Today the weather expected to weather the storm, at least in London. Then the sun will shine again. the proposal playful Bild. If Britain will choose to stay in Europe, the Germans recognize the Geoff Hurst goal-ghost who led England to overtake in the final of the 1966 World Cup, then finished 4 -2 for whites. This is the ironic proposal of the popular German daily Bild on the day of the referendum on Brexit. During extra time of the match, the British center forward shot hit the crossbar and the ball bounced off the goal line. The referee validated the 3-2 goal for the British, despite the strong protests of the German players. For years it was not possible to determine with certainty whether the goal was valid or not. Now, thanks to new technologies, it is certain that the shot was not entered. Among other promises made by the Bild in the hope of convincing the British to vote to stay in the EU, also to put an end to the beats on the ears of Prince Charles and put the clocks back one hour to line up with London.


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