‘ Italicum is born and already it is unknown whether and how shall live. The Election Law enter into force in a few hours, at midnight on July 1, but the local elections won by M5s and lost by pd (with a center-pleasure dose) had the effect of the rewind button. Start over the whole discussion of quotas, prizes, preferences and so on. As if the three steps between Camera and Senate to get final approval had never occurred. Of course, the cards are reshuffled. It remains the guerrillas in the Democratic Party between renziani and the rest of the party, but for example, Luigi Di Maio , Five Star Movement, writes on facebook that than changes to the electoral law “priorities are other”, while in full spoke of the debate before approval of a law “pro corruption” because it was like the porcellum or, on the other hand, Angelino Alfano you want the majority of the premium to the coalition and not to the list. For now at least those who resist – despite the background of the newspapers by the contradictory tones every day – is the President of the Council Matteo Renzi : “They write to me: ‘Do not you try to change the Italicum …’. To me you say? “He cut short during his #matteorisponde by night from Palazzo Chigi. The same line to take her, at all levels.
But the suspicion (which for some is hope for someone else’s fear) is that actually the election law really come back into question. How to write the TopClass Blog Beppe Grillo between “amendment of the electoral law” and “postponement of the referendum” (which for now there is no news), Renzi “now wants to change cards table because it is afraid of losing. A cheater two-bit and with his tail between his legs “. But the M5s warns that no use “change the electoral law to try to prevent the inevitable. You can not stop the wind with his hands. When the M5s will be to the electoral law government it will be anchored to the Constitution to prevent the parties can change it when it suits them. ” According to the leader of the short TopClass “you make the rules to partitum , and when they go to the not well change by engaging the Chamber which costs 100 thousand euro a day to take care of their business and not the interests of ten millions of Italians who live in poverty or companies closing hundreds every day. ” Finally, the movement claims as having “fought against Italicum, presented an electoral law written on the Net and sought dialogue with the Democratic Party for a law which was to guarantee the citizens, not the party. Renzi thought only to his. Now he wants to change the cards on the table because it is afraid of losing. ” The ballot, according to them, Renzi is afraid of being beaten with a 70-30 success as in Rome. “
It resurfaces even those who have suffered the advent of Renzi in power, that is, the former president of Council Enrico Letta : “the Italicum did was wrong – he says – My last act as deputy was to vote against a bill that is as porcellum. Renzi has wanted to measure himself and the Democratic Party at 40 percent. Hard to go back, because it would appear to do so against M5S. But vote with the Italicum would be irresponsible. ” According to Letta “serving leaders who unite, not leaders that simplify and divide. When you simplify, by dint of clear and cut any complexity, someone comes along that makes it easier for you and that eventually sends you home. ” For Italy, in short, want to introduce a faux-presidential system like the one that comes out dall’Italicum is a profound error, an artificial boost that will cause the same damage suffered by other European countries today. Presidential systems give you the power, but do not force you to include. But this is the time to unite. Do
But on no changes to the electoral law, indeed, by the time all the renziano leadership seems compact:” With the Italicum – tells the Corriere della Sera the leader of the House Ettore Rosato – we have built a solid system, which guarantees the governability and representation and that solves those problems that even today we can see again in Spain. That said, we never denied the dialogue. ” And coincidentally uses the same words of Di Maio: “The priorities of the country” are “other, simplification, to combat unemployment, the fight against poverty.” The same prudence of the group leader in the Senate Luigi Zanda , also of undoubted faith: “It would be the first time you change an untested electoral law.”
Less surprising is the position the left of the Democratic party – part of which did not vote the law – who returns to ringalluzzirsi after the Italian left motion that will be debated in September (although the constitutionality and not on the merits). The restart of the juke box of sull’Italicum statements is mainly about them. Miguel Gotor , for example, do not miss the turn even this around and do not settle for generic changes: the law should be changed right, wrong, she says. “Why – adds talking to Republic – between cosmetics and a law that ensures greater representation really prefer the second way.” The motion is not enough: “It’s up to Renzi take the initiative.”
The change is most in demand at the time of the introduction of the majority of the premium to the coalition and not to the list. He asks Forza Italy and this is very well known because Silvio Berlusconi want to join the front of the center with Lega Nord and Brothers of Italy because otherwise none of the three parties has hope of playing any role Policies. But now it also asks Popular Area – key segment of the majority – and the idea is in fact shared also by the slice renziani following the minister Dario Franceschini . The real point of all this discussion is that any changes you decide to do, serve in parliament votes: those who want to achieve them, in short, observes renziano Andrea Marcucci , has to find a majority that votes in Parliament. And on the first lap it was not easy at all.
Then there is the political reflection, though. Here also fits the advice of an extra-parliamentary renziano, the constitutionalist Stefano Ceccanti , a former Democratic senator: “There are no technical time to change an electoral law before the constitutional referendum of autumn: and if Renzi win, many things will change … – declares the Print – But the fund would seem suicidal ask to change an electoral law because are you afraid of the Five Star . A position that would define ‘sconfittistica’. Do not hold up in front of the country. ” Renzi seems to share this view. For now.

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