Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Berlusconi operated on Forza Italy in my heart – The Huffington Post

The circus does not stop even before the operating room. Of all the windows of the San Raffaele, Francesca Pascale chooses the one for the camera to be seen, sorrowful, with tears in plain view. The circus does not stop, but the trainers have already wrapped Silvio Berlusconi with a kind of protection program, for a future in which nothing will be as before. Because it is true that the surgery went well, even better than expected. But now, the “defense” mentioned Marina Health is the only compass, around which rotate everything from lifestyle political commitment.

The surgery went well, in the sense that lasted the allotted time, four hours, and there were no complications related to the recent myocardial failure or unexpected. Which shows, as they say those around, that “Silvio fiber has a stamina more.” And this allows us to look with confidence to a still very challenging recovery. Difficult, indeed impossible that the former prime minister can come out before July 15 to 20 from the San Raffaele, because after a week of intensive care, if all goes well, there is the period of rehabilitation, to resume at the heart function and compensation . It is a very delicate phase, in which the presence at the San Raffaele is a must, both for the need of constant radiological and instrumental controls and because each movement is likely to be difficult and counterproductive.

“He will return more determined than before,” say the closest MPs, who know the character and almost remove the medical records, in the circus that does not stop. The tamers however, in the sense of the extended family, know that nothing will be as before and have already isolated the room, where before the operation was virtually rejected Maria Rosaria Rossi, who has offered his resignation from the party’s treasurer: “If the problem is me, I’m ready to leave this job. ” The “carers”, the North axis, the plots, the beggars and the adoring: all noises before which the family has closed the door, and not only that of the room at the San Raffaele. Because it is clear that Berlusconi’s character is that of those who, in some way, will try to return. But the way it looks more like a presence honorary than a field presence that could compromise health and propriety, the heart and public image.

These days children have deepened with the doctors the framework within which Berlusconi will be operating will return, without getting into a situation of risk. And if it was conceivable that it will be impossible to see it again like a lion as it was in the arena of Santoro, the framework also recommended milder duels, transmissions involving a stress on the air but also in the preparation, rallies and massive crowds. It is a phase of obscuration that, certainly, will last until September, in two to three months of recovery, but also later, in the family’s intentions. Of course, you can not switch from full to empty so abrupt and traumatic. And it is conceivable that, after the first few weeks, some press release to reassure the outside will be written. But his presence will be from settled, much more casual. Especially in public.

In addition to health, there is the décor, dramatically withered in the era of carers. Marina, who is moving from “emotional breadwinner” role recognized even by the children of Veronica, she was very upset by the image of his father carried around like a speck, which by an unlikely stage of Ostia tells a joke on the “artichoke” not its elegant or, around with Pascale at the polling station, he makes jokes about the “condom” with a group of boys. Here, remove Berlusconi from the circus that well fed, by nature, by choice, for fear of leaving the scene or to exorcise the time passing. This is the firm decision of the children, for the first time really determined to be in the field with all the weight of their role. Now the need is stronger than the will: “At best – whispers a source for top-level company – will take the honorary president of AC Milan and the party, but nothing more.”

c ‘is a reason if the policy is all in the hands of Gianni Letta, after days in which to San Raffaele observed, with great disappointment, all the “suitors” that surge nell’Itaca of the center: Toti and the famous North axis , Parisi some ‘dreams of becoming a unifying, Fitto who started to talk to the Romans, Zaia and Maroni. The reason is a statement of fact and a program for the coming months. The finding is that it is difficult to think that he was not able today, namely to make the federative, Berlusconi can succeed in the future: “So – says the source – must be realistic. With Berlusconi out until September and no longer on the pitch in the future if not episodically, you have to prevent us infilino two lines that’ll kill us in some decree. “

The circus moves around oblivious to what will be when in late afternoon begins a surreal Bureau, to approve the budget, “I – exclaims De Girolamo with a colleague – do not go there. But there seems to be a meeting on the day that you work Berlusconi? “. Start a blank period, between unawareness of the most, the activism of the “suitors”, the fideistic litany of “return to stronger field than before.” In the evening, the Basilica of St. Augustine, a group of parliamentarians get together to pray a rosary.


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