Sunday, June 12, 2016

gas leak in Milan, three deaths in the explosion: 9 injured, serious two daughters – The Republic

The 8:56 on a Sunday morning. The weather is rainy, the ideal to remain idly at home: some people are still in bed, who is starting to breakfast. Then hell: an explosion that rips the palace, breaks glass, hurts my eardrums. Then the fear that remains in the eye for hours. At 8:57 the building that overlooks Via Brioschi in Milan, on a private road Portoferraio, is semicrollata, residents are in the street, are in pajamas, terrified. “I thought of a bomb,” said one. Firefighters immediately speak of a gas leak.

Three dead and nine wounded. You then count the victims: three dead and nine wounded, four were children, one is a pregnant woman. Two girls aged 7 and 11 are serious, have burns the limbs and face and were sedated by doctors as soon as you arrive at the Center burns unit of Niguarda. The largest has burns on 20-25 percent of the body, the smallest, on 40-45 percent, of some profound degree. And is that in the most severe conditions. According to doctors are not life threatening, but for the medical bulletin will have to wait until tomorrow. Their mother did not have she done: was 43 years old. The father, 51, was burned. The other two victims were 27 years old, a boy living in the province of Macerata and a girl from the same area. It appears that the outbreak has occurred nell’appartemento where these two boys were guests and that he then overwhelmed the family apartment of the two girls, destroying it completely.

You dig through the rubble. The explosion was heard throughout the district, they exploded 200 meters away glasses. It is hoped that the death toll is definitive, but Luca Cari, spokesman for the fire service, making the point sull’eplosione, to Skynews microphones states that “we still dig under the rubble.” With his hands and with dogs that can sniff out the presence of human beings trying through the rubble, hoping not to find anything. The difficulty to reconstruct the geography of the condo is the fact that some of the tenants are students, thus no residence in Milan.

the causes . The earliest reconstructions – even when the priority is health nature – talk of a possible gas leak that occurred – as already mentioned – in the house where they were guests of the two dead boys. The surrounding streets of Via Brioschi were closed to traffic to intervene relief. Numerous emergency vehicles of firefighters, police officers and police sealed off the area to allow relief to work without hindrance.

“There was a smell of gas” . To say this is Andrea Rizza, 27 year-old carpenter who was a guest of friends in the building opposite: “I smelled gas, very strong, then a bang.” The 27 year old says he was “awakened by a stone came through the window and ended up between her legs.” But he has remained miraculously unscathed, although the bedroom where he slept (was twenty meters away from the explosion palace) was devastated. “Then I looked out the window – he said – and I saw the girl who was walking on the ruins. Only then I realized.”

“it seemed a bomb. “ another resident described the outbreak as well:” I thought of an attack, but then I realized it was coming from quell’abitazione “. The man explained that the building was recently restored: “I do not know what might have happened, maybe – he suggested – a gas leak, maybe someone in the house had a stove.”

Pisapia: “Mourning citizen.” The mayor of Milan, Giuliano pisapia, speaks of “a terrible tragedy that affects our entire community. On behalf of all the Milanese express my deepest sympathy for the victims and the proximity to all the wounded. Then we proclaim from today a day of mourning for the day when you will hold the funeral of the people who lost their lives “. Pisapia adds that “the City has already turned to find an immediate solution for families whose homes were damaged by the explosion and all their other needs.

I want to thank all the rescuers: firefighters, ambulances, local police and law enforcement agencies that are now occurring on the blast site. “

milan area 5
a gas explosion


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