Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Milan, Berlusconi open-heart surgery. Read: “And ‘everything went well” – The Republic

After four and a half hours of surgery to open heart surgery on Silvio Berlusconi has ended. Seconds hospital officials said there would be no complications in aortic valve replacement and everything would be done without “no problem.” This was confirmed by Alberto Zangrillo, Berlusconi’s personal physician and chief of anesthesia and intensive care in the hospital San Raffaele: “Everything as expected.” The leader of Forza Italy will return to his room on the sixth floor of the pavilion D only in a couple of days, when he passed the first post-operative phase is now in the surgical intensive care unit where it will remain 48 hours for doctors can monitor consistently the outcomes of the intervention.

” All right, now I’m more relaxed. Sorry but I was anxious, “said Gianni Letta, around 12:30, after responded to an incoming call from the hospital San Raffaele in Milan. Letta was in Rome, at a public event, and calling him came from someone who reassured him about the success of the intervention. When he can get out of intensive care, Berlusconi will return to the ward, in the same room where is hospitalized since the day he felt ill. You should spend about a week in hospital, then will have to undergo for a month to the typical rehabilitation of patients who have undergone heart surgery. In the room, waiting for the operation to finish, it all Berlusconi’s children had gathered, his brother Paolo and Francesca Pascale, looking for a moment from the bedroom window of the former rider, had appeared very concerned. Fedele Confalonieri also note that said: “The Knight is strong and will weather this.”

the leader of Forza Italy he was brought into the operating room around 8am. Here, the major cardiac Ottavio Alfieri, the help Alessandro Castiglioni and Zangrillo began the delicate surgery which consisted in the replacement of the aortic valve. On the eve of the intervention, Alfieri had confided in friends telling them: “I feel the media pressure and the responsibility of the day.”

The leader of Forza Italy had spent the eve in a rather serene. He was said “concerned, but also comforted by the manifest.” In a post on his Facebook profile, Berlusconi wrote that they had benefited “by the support and affection that I have received from all over, even from so-called political opponents. What an Italy so beautiful, where everyone loves! To all a grateful thanks and an affectionate embrace. ” Before going to bed, Berusconi had confessed and taken communion from the hospital Provost, Don Matteo. the operation undergone by the leader of Forza Italy was an aortic valve replacement surgery: doctors felt it was necessary to following the diagnosis of “severe aortic insufficiency” made in recent days. Wheezing and trouble breathing

The symptoms experienced by Berlusconi, who fell ill Sunday, June 5, while he was in Rome to vote in local: returned to Milan, was then admitted to the San Raffaele, where doctors first reported heart failure and, as a result of various examinations, aortic regurgitation.

heart surgery
san Raffaele
Silvio Berlusconi
Gianni Letta
Albert Zangrilli


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