Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Municipal: 14 “unpresentable”. Bindi, cutting the Severino –

(ANSA) – Rome, June 1 – The president of the Anti-Mafia Commission Rosy Bindi had said long ago: this year screening on the nominations will not arrive in the area Cesarini. And it did not happen. Five days before the vote for the local elections of June 5 that will cover more than 1,300 municipalities, the Anti-Mafia presented the 14 names of the so-called “unpresentable”, ie those who are incandidabili for Severino Law (8 in all), or even being candidates they should then always be suspended for the same law (3 cases) or, finally, that are “unpresentable” because they have committed an offense under the Code of self-nominations voted unanimously by all parties, and that is more restrictive of these existing laws (3 cases). All 14 names (7 in Battipaglia, 5 in Rome, two in Calabria) are part of civic lists, “and that the civic lists made in the way that we have seen are a hole for the Mafia is no doubt. We also know civic lists created as redemption capability, but 100% of civic lists in almost all towns whose local mafia, will want to say something, “he highlighted Bindi. The Committee underlined the need for cutting the law Severino ( “apart from the odd game of ineligibility and disqualification, another aspect to be reviewed concerns the penalties”) and has renewed a strong appeal to politics: “The parties must decide to put his face; if we want to eradicate the Mafia, it takes clear political forces, they do not trasformistiche tasks: rebuilding the history of some civic lists are candidates expelled from a party that is allied with pieces of opponents. In a municipality, the three families reference ‘Ndrangheta have placed their candidates in each one of the three lists. Diano Marina may have some interest from this point of view, “he said responding to reporters. Vice President Antimafia, Claudio Fava has focused attention on the town of Plati, in Calabria, on which the Anti-Mafia has a focus, having been 15 times police. “No candidate – said Fava – violates the self-regulatory code but dozens of candidates have proven friendly relations with the gangs that run the territory and form to be real danger that this town continues to have a suspended democracy.” For Senator Giuseppe Lumia, “it would be useful to anticipate to 60 days, instead of 40, the submission of applications. Serves then a database on pending charges not to allow those not in order to make a mockery of our democracy”. “From our work – said the Democratic Party leader Franco Mirabelli – clearly emerges the need to look carefully to the civic lists, which are likely to be in the municipalities more easily infiltrabili and to continue to monitor some of the municipalities with the highest concentration of crime organized. It ‘also necessary amendments to the law on the dissolution to prevent it from recurring in the joint police the previous situation “. The secretary Antimafia Marco Di Lello, highlighted “the delay in this year has arrived outcome of the verification which requires a reflection to the entire Parliament because you find new legal instruments to allow the institutions and parties to verify also the opportunity of some application. ” For the Democratic Party Davide Mattiello, “the Anti-Mafia Commission complaint is an act of love for politics. In these weeks was immense work of officials and of the Commission’s consultants to get the result presented by President Bindi: an effort that already in itself indicates how complicated, with existing tools, ensure at least that the candidates have not made false statements in order to compete. ” The unanimously approved report dall’antimafia highlights among others as one of the candidates for mayor in Rome – it turned out that it is by Stefano Simone, Casapound candidate – was arrested in flagrante for robbery in December 2013, and It dwells on the serious shortcomings in the Capitol leadership that allowed the proliferation of Mafia Rome.

Bindi has finally identified the need for a thorough review of the rules on the dissolution of local bodies for mafia infiltration and the opportunity of the so-called third way as intervention to be applied in cases where it has not been possible to find the mafia conditioning but are nonetheless emerged opaque situations or problems that the administration is not able to deal with. (ANSA).


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