social crisis Turin , which is a piece of Italy, was at the center of the TV duel between the incumbent mayor Piero Fassino and challenger TopClass Chiara hanger who have found themselves confronted again, two days after the debate on Sky. They came out totally opposite positions. On the one hand the hanger which accused of providing “incorrect narrative” of the situation of “ a divided city “, marked by the crisis, where the “needs of so many people are unheeded”. Fassino replied that his opponent lacks “ Intellectual honesty ” and claimed the work done in the five years of his administration: “I have never denied the crisis. Indeed, we have been working to help the layers of the population that have suffered the most. ” “And if Fiat has remained in Turin – also he said – it is thanks to people like me.” So many themes touched upon, the question of poverty and suburbs until the conquest of the “free votes”, the Tav to Health City. Under communicatively style is s
This last argument has had an interlocutor “remote”, ie the Minister for Reforms Maria Elena Boschi in an interview with SkyTg24 had taken the words of the President of the Piedmont Region Sergio Chiamparino : “the story of the Health Park is emblematic propose to return to the master plan of 2011 – said the governor an interview with the Print , among other very critical of Renzi – If they win the city risks losing 250 million of state funds. ” The same is said Woods: “If he wins the hanger, Torino loses 250 million allocated by the government to create the Health Park.” The sense – poorly expressed – is that if the M5s is against the Health Park, lose money to make it happen. Moreover, explained the hanger right from Annunziata, the M5s is not opposed to the project itself, but wants to make it happen differently.
This has given way to a discussion on Twitter between Woods and the hanger. “I remind the Minister Woods that the government can not use the money as if they were of the Democratic Party,” he wrote the candidate M5s, speaking of “blackmail.” The minister replied: “But why the hanger tells lies about me? Talk of Torino, not the government. ” A return comes the reply link to the interview with: “So belies his words?”. And Woods: “I confirm. If you cancel your project, you give up the loan. It is not blackmail. Read Chiamparino “. It was not the only controversy of the Woods with a mayoral candidate of the Democratic Party opponent, also it happened with Parisi on the case Mein Kampf .
Why should you become mayor?
Fassino: “I have shown in recent years that it has been able to govern Turin. I love this city. I think he has extraordinary potential. And ‘certainly the task more challenging and absorbing. I make the mayor because for me politics is passion. I think I’ve demonstrated the ability to govern the city in hard years, with the economic crisis. We supported all those who have been affected by the crisis. We have supported thousands of people. “
hanger. “Inadequate? No, absolutely, what makes the difference is the person, I worked, I have a competent team and I have a credible project. I feel ready. I am a woman, a worker, I have five years behind the opposition in the city council “, he stressed” I made tough and constructive opposition. I am applying with a team and a program. I know, says Fassino, which is not easy to be mayor, but I’m ready to do it. “
The issue crisis and poverty
Fassino: “I do not care the challenge of numbers, I do that is not true to say that the city is not inclusive. In this long period of crisis, those who have the lowest income has been most affected. We have worked because this distance does not allargasse and remain united city. We made an extraordinary effort to support all those in trouble: who was under threat of eviction, who was only in the house with no income, those who were unemployed in old age and it was difficult relocate it, we shot down rates rsa for the elderly. But in parallel because the bait cities of the crisis can not only buffer, but also serve the development policies and we also invest in the suburbs. As buses in the suburbs, but also the recovery of the tobacco factory where it realizes a campus for the university. Investments regenerate and re-qualifying the territory and the construction of sites and the creation of jobs “
Hook:” I feel like the tip of the iceberg of a number of needs of people gone unheeded. We must not deny the reality: Turin is a divided city. Deny the reality alienates people from politics. There’s a part of town that no longer feel represented by the mayor’s narrative, consistently called for these five years even in the city council. There is a gap. Turin has a youth unemployment of 44%, the highest in the north. It needs the courage to tell it like it is. We must continue to invest in the welfare and priority is education. But a narrative incorrect does not help to overcome mistrust. “
The success of M5s
Fassino:” I was the only one to say one thing, just hours after the poll. The success of the TopClass has two reasons. The first: the hostility and distrust of the traditional parties. The second: the social suffering of those who have paid more the crisis: a portion goes to the abstention and a part to M5s. I was the only one to say so clearly because I saw crises and fought every day. Then I think the hanger program is all a no, as it creates jobs in this city if you are not the City of health and if you do not do the works? What is hanger at the moment is the sign of no. “
Hook:” It is not true that we just say no. We want health City, but we want a viable project and achievable in a short time. When I hear the minister who claims that if Woods wins the M5S not reach government funding, I worry: the government is treating money as if they were the Democratic Party and not the citizens, but also the M5s pays taxes like everyone else. “
the Fiat
hanger: “I believe that Fiat is an important topic of the territory, a subject that is part of a production. We have to restart the industrial vocation that characterizes our city. In this world there is the Fiat but there are also many small and medium enterprises that are present on our territory to which the municipality must be close. You have to restart the industrial vocation, making policies that facilitate the arrival of businesses in the area, rearrange the machine city, sburocratizzarla attracts more business. As mayor I will fight to defend the rights of workers, the mayor’s task is to reduce the tensions and I’ll do this on all the necessary tables. “
Fassino:” If Fiat is still in Turin, you must to someone like me who is not run after those who said that if Fiat was already gone. And the presence of Fiat helps small and medium-sized enterprises mentioned hanger because they are often linked to industries, also of the components. “
hanger: “Work of costs and benefits is not convenient. I will sit at the tables bringing institutional reasons for not basing on the facts. ” The hanger has also read a statement Matteo Renzi of 2013 (the Table “is likely to be an intervention out of scale and out of time”).
Fassino: “On the question Tav the cost-benefit ratio is measured in long times, not in two months. It takes an eye a bit ‘longer. I believe it is a work strategically. When Torino lost its status as capital made the Frejus tunnel to connect to the rest of Europe. “
citizen’s income
Appendino “As mayor of Turin I will fight for the citizen’s income, one of dignity means that many European countries, and I hope that other mayors to do the same. The bill of the Movement 5 Star has coverage. And to say that there is no money is not an answer. “
Fassino:” Basic income as a universal provision for all is not sustainable, “while” an insertion and maintenance income for the bands more low is necessary and in Turin there for five years. It strikes me that every candidate for mayor does not know that with this tool we supported 25 thousand families. “
Apparentamenti and free votes
Fassino: “For me the sponsorship of parties there never was, while the hanger is putting together the devil and holy water, Red (UDC, ed ) and the no Tav, and Borghezio social centers with official statements. A situation frankly not credible. With this deployment it will do in the city council? Will present a resolution or a resolution Table Pro No Tav? “.
Hook: “We are proposing a program, a team. I have decided to choose the commissioners before being elected, for transparency, which Fassino is not doing. Many people away are asking the question because there is need for change. The votes of the League? The votes of the League does not belong to Chiara hanger, belong to the voters. The Turin will assess on the basis of projects. I will continue to narrate then every Turin will be free to choose. “
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