Saturday, June 11, 2016

RepIdee, Renzi: “Two terms for the prime minister. With no in the EU we do not row any more” – The Republic

Rome – A ‘Republic of Ideas’ the founder of Republic , Eugenio Scalfari, interview the prime minister, Matteo Renzi. “A meeting to compare two points of view that in these two years have dueled – explained the Republic , Mario Calabresi – but on the European Economy only minister were d ‘ agreement”. Matteo Renzi begins with a “ good luck for President Berlusconi (hospital waiting for a heart surgery, ed )” . “I want to send a thought to Berlusconi – intervenes Scalfari – my political opponent from ’94 onwards. With all that has involved public and private. However, I agree with what he said Renzi, because we can only congratulate him healing. Now – he annotated Scalfari, addressing Renzi – I pose a problem. the two of us, we give you, or we give of her? ” Renzi: “It depends on her.” It will damage you.

Claudio Tito, head of the editorial staff of the Republic Political, asks:” If October does not pass the referendum, the government falls?. “

Scalfari. “on one point, I became renziano, the head commands alone, a principle which I have criticized in the past. I am in favor of a unicameral system. But the House should be elected freely. In the law italicum today, is partially named because the leaders are appointed, they may present in two or three sections. “” Let’s face it – says Scalfari Renzi – this is your own room, then I have to vote no in the referendum. I would vote yes, however, if the Election Law was changed. And I proposed several times to take no less than what was then called law fraud. Think, the law that suggested De Gasperi in 1953. If a party, or list gets, the 50% plus 1 vote, an absolute majority, there is a prize which will ensure continuity. So if you change the electoral law, I vote yes to the referendum . But if you do not change, I vote no because the law as it stands makes for 15 years master of the field, and that’s not good. Owner of a piece of the field, but with countervailing powers and counter. Adopts law fraud, and we vote. “

The replica of Renzi :” If someone says to me that I want to govern Italy for 15 years, the lament. If we move towards a system of accountability, the maximum you can do two terms. I would be ready to sign any bill in this direction. Because those who govern, whatever he thought Andreotti, wears out “.” On constitutional reform – says addressing Scalfari – it seems to me that you have less resistance than I had realized. I too would have preferred a different system of the Senate, but as are not master of Italy , the law is coming off six readings and had to seek a majority difficult to find. To put it to the Florentine, ‘if it was easy he had made someone else’. It is a reform that does not affect the powers of the prime minister who is the only head of government of Western history that does not even have the power to change a minister. “” If the referendum does not pass – says Renzi – I go home because they are not suitable , it can not, politics is not for me. But if it passes the no, Italy becomes ungovernable. If it passes the no there will always be a broad agreement, a mess, a deal. There will never be possible for a party to win. If we block the reforms in the EU we do not row any more. I am truly a proponent of alternation. I want a system in which the Democratic Party does pd: if he wins governs, if he loses opposes preparing to govern. Other than the Country Party. Other than master …. “.

Renzi responds on the electoral law . “the electoral law is made by the majorities that are found. We put the ballots, which is a great tool because it allows you to have a winner. This is the Electoral Law of strength. In 2013 in the battle between Berlusconi and Grillo Bersani no one would obtain a majority. And the runoff would be between Bersani and Berlusconi.

The question-and-Scalfari Renzi answer. The debate on the electoral law comes alive. Scalfari urges the prime minister: “The Christian Democrats of De Gasperi did not arrive at the 50 1, 48% took the inside with smaller parties. But with the proportional Christian democracy ruled the country for 30 years. With your election law, if you lose , then we Grillo . ” Renzi replied: “If he wins Grillo, because it will take one more vote. But if he wins he’s our fault and not win because we are credible. “Then, turning to the founder of Republic :” Your hard system of government like a cat on the highway. With the very little that lasted governments system. I am because a hard five years the government with a clear agenda. I bet it’s a major argument between citizens. And if they vote Grillo, and the Rays, if they will take them. “Scalfari replied:” It is not a problem if you take Grillo Rome. But if you take the government of the country, with the election law is a different thing. “Renzi is trenchant :” We have different ideas. “

Renzi responds on” room freely elected “. Renzi does not escape to Scalfari provocation about a room not freely elected.” I do not agree with that analysis. There is a part of people indicated by the secretariats of the parties? Yes. But less than in the past. I can not afford to think again, but perhaps we too have too raised the tone in the referendum debate. I invite you to consider the alternative to yes: not only causes the change of government, but the

The Scalfari question:” Would you agree to a federal police? ” . it changes the subject, and the founder of Republic , reflecting the need for sees it agree with the Prime Minister on the single European Treasury Minister , extends this reasoning also the Minister of the Interior. Renzi: “the Minister of Finance, as I call it, I agree. Unlike the speech on safety before starting the unification of the institutions (Minister of the Interior, FBI), it must start from the policies. The EU is in crisis from within. The terrorists who have disintegrated hopes EU to Paris and Brussels were born in the heart of urban suburbs of European capitals. Our proposal therefore is: for every euro invested in security, investiamone one culture “.

“End of austerity European .” a Scalfari which stimulates the prime minister to reflect on the leadership of Germany, and Merkel, in European economic policy, Renzi says, “We use the 2017 to the end of ‘policy austerity that caused so much damage. And start the investment. If the next six months Italy will manage to be authoritative and credible, I think reflection of Scalfari Italy-Germany can be interesting . What we need to do is, more investment, less austerity. “

Claudio Tito raises a theme:” Just the economic crisis to justify the growth of populism? “

Scalfari. the founder of Republic is an analysis of populism in Italy, represented by the League and M5s. “Fortunately – explains Scalfari, with subtle irony – we the head of the League , Salvini (a journalist should not be allowed to do appreciations ….), that does not gets the ball. And here we must wonder why, instead, they catch the ball 5stars. I must say that the 5stars in some municipalities are strong enough, to Rome and Turin . But what are the 5stars now that Grillo did the step to the side, and Casaleggio poor fellow is dead ? They have the appearance of the indifferent, those absent. There is a growing mass of abstentions. Then there is a considerable mass of 5stelle which is how they were going to vote abstained. But it’s the same thing. They, the grillini, they say, ‘we want to dismantle what is there, as they dismantle them do what we want to do’. Abstentions do the same thing. Now I say one thing: when it helped to become mayor, Veltroni took 900,000 votes. Giachetti has taken 300 000 . From 900 thousand to 300 thousand …. there is this lack of interest, even a landmark deal. Young people have a different language. Run with music in the ear. He likes the culture of images. Speak using twitter. The indifference-more-Grillo, this is a

Renzi : The premier focuses the contradiction represented by populism in Eastern Europe.” the Eastern European countries that Europe has saved from the crisis – looks Renzi – are, today, those that draw on the walls . Those countries give us moral lessons on immigration, ignoring that, If there is a child drowning in the sea , the Italian values ​​are going to save it and give it a future . They do not matter to us the moral lessons of the Eastern European countries. Some, like Salvini, said that migrants should be helped at home. But this is to go for international cooperation in Africa, and on this there is a deficit of Italian politics. They are the premier number 27 and mine is the 63rd government over the past 70 years of the Republic. And mine is the first government whose prime minister has fallen below the Sahara. But international cooperation does not mean bringing diamonds in Tanzania, as did the League predecessors Salvini . “

On M5s, the Renzi attack : Speaking of populism in our country, Renzi not you miss the opportunity, for a week from the ballots, to goad the M5s. “the M5s – attacks the prime minister – is an anti-European party that is born. Ray (I read it on ‘ Huffington Post ) promotes the banquets to exit from the Euro. 5stars I am against the idea of ​​Europe as we know it. We want to bring young Ventotene to bring them up to European values, they offer barter or exit from the euro. We try to put together the votes in Italy, at this time, if there was a runoff at the national level, would be between the Democratic Party and the center. Because the M5s went well in Rome. In Turin, in Carbonia. That’s it. And in the 17 municipalities where govern, in 3 expelled their mayors , half have legal problems . “” And if he wins the Rays in Rome – concludes the president of the Council – then it will be an issue of


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