Friday, December 26, 2014

Berlusconi charge subscribers: we can still do it –

Berlusconi charge subscribers: we can still do it –


Here is the full text of the letter sent by the leader of Forza Italy to its members: convince disgruntled with lower taxes and only a flat tax.

Friday, December 26, 2014 16:30

Is it really true that politicians are always in the election campaign. And talking about are all good, especially those who do this job for decades. Someone like Silvio Berlusconi knows how to get to the belly of the electorate average and his staff knows to dose and measure the right terms related to hot topics that are dear to all citizens, especially in times of crisis.

And so the former prime minister sends to all its members, even those who have not followed in his new adventure of Forza Italy, a letter (e-mail) Christmas reiterating the government program that would put into practice, in three points. Equal. “The 1st point: less taxes, the 2nd point: less taxes, the 3rd point: even less taxes.”

Here is the text in full. Judge for yourself

Dear voter,
 rivolgerti want an affectionate wishes for a Merry Christmas and a new year in which you can realize all the projects in your heart for you and the people you love. Unfortunately we are going through a very difficult period. Each of us lives in his environment, in his work, in his family the difficulties of an economic crisis that no sign of a solution.

The program that we put into practice, where we had the responsibility of government, you know okay. And ‘the formula liberal welfare and growth that worked always and everywhere has been performed. It ‘a program in three points. 1 point: less taxes, the 2nd point: less taxes, the 3rd point: even less taxes. Less taxes on households to boost consumption. Lower taxes on businesses, so that they can produce more and return to hire and invest. No taxes on the house, because the house is sacred, it is the pillar on which every family has the right to build the security of their own future and not be subject to any tax levy.

For the elderly a ‘special attention.
 1) The increase in the minimum pension to 1000 Euros per month for 13 months.
 2) Interventions of social medicine with comprehensive health care
 3) No taxes on the house
 4) No inheritance tax

All this can be achieved with the flat tax, the tax equal to 20% for families and businesses, who now works fine in the 38 countries in which it was adopted, and, with the liberal formula, the only way to boost the development, precisely what the left is not capable of doing.

With this left us we can also agree on the institutional reforms that we we had already made in 2005 and that they had cleared with a recall referendum in 2006. It is the passage of two chambers in a single room for the approval of laws and the transition from a political split in so many parties to only two poles as in United States: Republicans and Democrats, Democrats and Republicans.

Vote with your left constitutional reforms does not mean then confuse our role with that of the majority of opponents, because we are in opposition of this left on everything the rest and that is on economic policy, fiscal policy, public spending, on the reform of justice, security, foreign policy and on everything else.

I do I will work together again to all of us blue to achieve our most ambitious project: to transform the numerical majority of moderates, be such that no one discusses, in a conscious and organized political majority.

This is to convince some of those twenty-four million of Italians that disappointed and disgusted by this policy and these politicians, have decided not to vote. We have to convince them otherwise explaining to them our program and the benefits that would result in them and to all Italians.

We can do it. We must do it. With the commitment, with passion, with the work we can do. I am certain and I hope you’ll be by my side in this battle for truth and freedom.

‘with this hope and with this conviction that I address my very best wishes and warmest Merry Christmas and good year.


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