Thursday, December 25, 2014

Renzi, approved the decrees of the Jobs Act – Italian Post

Renzi, approved the decrees of the Jobs Act – Italian Post



 JOBS ACT, APPROVED IN CDM decrees. Renzi: “Italy is entering a phase of extraordinary availability at the opening.” Green light to a permanent contract in protections growing and extraordinary administration for ILVA


Renzi, approved the decrees of the Jobs Act

Renzi, approved the decrees of the Jobs Act

” Italy is entering a phase of extraordinary availability opening ” – This is the outcome of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi on the outcome reached by the Council of Ministers, on the day of Christmas Eve, after three hours of work and stress, has approved the first decrees of the so-called Jobs Act.

The decrees approved.

“At the dismissed employee will be paid two months’ for each year of service, compensation for not less than four months and not more than 24. It is also not expected dismissal for poor performance. Let’s head that would have been a controversy only of judicial application. The employer can still intervene to redundancy “- said the President of the Council.

Approved the decree introducing the new ASPI, the social safety net born reform Fornero. Renzi has highlighted “the extension to 24 months of protection for those who become unemployed. You’re not a number, but a person. The State does not forget about you and helps gives new tools with the training courses. It is clear that anyone who does not make them out of the program. “

Approved the decree sull’Ilva of Taranto, providing for the transition to the extraordinary administration. Thus, it will resume production within the parameters of environmental safety. The funds for land reclamation will be bound to the environmental remediation. “It was the most exciting act of the Council of Ministers. Responsibility calls us, and we respond by taking the wind in your face you need. Falls upon us to correct errors made in that city that deserves a big, public, direct investment of the Italian State “- said Renzi.

Approved the decree the proxy tax on legal certainty, which will now pass to the examination of the relevant parliamentary committees.

Approved, on the proposal of the Health Minister Beatrice Lorenzin, the extension of two years of the deadline for the privatization of the Public Italian Red Cross.

New appointments. Tito Boeri is new president of INPS, General Claudio Graziano is new Chief of Staff of Defense and General Tullio Del Sette is general commander of the Carabinieri.

Reactions .

Cesare Damiano:” Defeat the pretense of NCD to have the decree on the Jobs Act known as opting out and dismissal for poor performance. There remains the problem of collective dismissals for economic reason: a solution against which we will continue our battle with the aim of improving the decrees. “

Susanna Camusso : “Other than the Copernican revolution, to review the rules you wonder what they ever did workers Matteo Renzi, who by the measures has deleted permanent job, generalizing insecurity of labor relations in Italy. Not satisfied divided further penalizing workers once again the young and new hires. The CGIL will continue to oppose so strong and determined to these rules unjust, wrong and punitive towards workers and will use all the tools at its disposal to restore the rights of workers. “

Italian Post




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