Saturday, December 20, 2014

Salvini challenge Renzi –

Salvini challenge Renzi –

Rome – Matteo Renzi “is a poor man,” . The leader of the Northern League, Matteo Salvini, responds well to the Prime Minister, who, in an interview, said of him that are “15 years working in Europe, and no one has ever noticed his presence in the institutions’ .
“I’d like to come with Renzi in direct taxes, the euro, immigration, total futility of his presidency of the European Semester, on all that wants “, added Salvini to Sky TG24, saying he comparison ” already tomorrow morning or the night of Christmas “.

Stubbornness League on Russia is making inroads “In Europe is widening the front of the no sanctions against Russia. And ‘good news. The Austrian government … the same Renzi has woken from sleep, better late than never, and said that sanctions against Russia are useless so perhaps the stubbornness of the League is making inroads in Brussels and 2015 will be a year of dialogue , working and not of the cold war or economic sanctions “.

 To those who asked if the league would be willing to accept funding from Russia, as well as Marine Le Pen of the Front Nationale, Salvini said: “To ask the Le Pen Le Pen, in Europe I am referring to me same, and as for the Northern League we have not taken a penny nor ask a penny to anyone, “.

Government racist, money and taxes to Italian immigrants “Government racist! Last night, among other things, approved an additional 200 million euro for the reception of immigrants ‘asylum seekers’. They also confirmed the doubling of VAT on pellet heating, 10-22%, in spite of difficulties in Italian. Renzi, to explain the range Italians unemployed! Renzi, durerai still little … “. So on Facebook the federal secretary of the League, Matteo Salvini, said the stability law approved by the Senate.


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