Sunday, December 21, 2014

Renzi: “No prior agreement between Pd and Fi for the successor of … – TGCOM

Renzi: "No prior agreement between Pd and Fi for the successor of … – TGCOM


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– For Matteo Renzi the election of the successor to the Colle di Giorgio Napolitano is not a priority when the time comes, this will be discussed , said the premier, “who now makes them names just wants to burn.” The Nazarene was signed a year ago, when the resignation was not on the agenda, and “this is why there is no preventive pact between Pd and Fi”, he added.

“Do not leave Rome in the hands of those who steal” – Interviewed by “The Messenger,” Renzi then spoke of the scandal of the Roman dome, emphasizing how the capital is not the Mafia, “not should be left to those who steal. Rome must start “because” say that they are all guilty plays into the hands of criminals. ” The premier then wanted to spur the Capitol: “They are understandably shaken by what happened, but I would speak to them in Roman: aho, dateve ‘na move, do not stand still there.”

“The magistrates speak with the judgments” – Responding to distance the president ANM, Rodolfo Sabelli, who had spoken of too modest initiatives by the government against corruption, Renzi replied saying that judges should talk investigations and sentences: “The tools we have to fight and were increased, we are the government that has put Canton all’Anticorruzione, and wants to restore the false accounting. But then it is crucial that you get to judgment.”

Bersani Renzi: “The country does not just help” – “Renzi is an intelligent person and you may not know that to lead a complex country one can not do it. If you begins to be in two … maybe it’s better. ” He said Pier Luigi Bersani, emphasizing that it is in the premier that there is a strong figure in the Quirinale. Former Secretary of the Democratic Party added that the successor Napolitano will be able to “hold the steering wheel of a country that has to be guided and reassured.”

Matthew renzi
Mafia capital
Covenant of the Nazarene
Pier Luigi Bersani




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