Milan , December 23, 2014 – 11:41
Presented the junta Marino-bis, the policy response to the earthquake caused by the investigation Mafia Capital which has also led to the resignation of a councilor (Daniel Ozzimo, investigated). Three new faces: Maurizio Pucci Public Works, the anti-Mafia judge Alfonso Sabella Legality and Francesca Danish Social Policies after the departure of Rita Cutini. “Now all we have to chase out way to make a full cleaning -said the mayor Marino – We introduce a council that does not want to have foremen. Councillors in the morning you bring your boots, go on site and in the evening bring home results. “
shadow carousel
Marino-bis, the new junta Capitoline
“Cleaning up our house”
The Mayor explained so the role of ‘superassessore’ assigned to the magistrate Sabella. “It is known for important operations carried out. We think that in the joints should not be a councilor to legality and transparency so thank you very much for what for him is a sacrifice. We think that at this time serve a figure like hers. We believe it will help us to clean our house. ” Francesca Danish has taken a “major responsibility: social and home (the delegation of the outgoing Ozzimo). We’ve wanted to join because we think that the social unrest and housing should be addressed with great determination and speed. The city ‘in need’ the mayor said.
From the Masini Cattoi: the revolution the proxies
In Marino bis there is also a reshuffle of proxies. Alderman Guido Improta coordination of the metropolitan city, the Deputy Mayor Luigi Nieri delegation to the suburbs, alderman Alessandra Cattoi, former school, the heritage of the city, Paolo Masini delegation to the school, to sport and to the quality of life. Are some of the `rivoluzioni’ announced today in the hall of protomotec from Rome mayor Ignazio Marino for the new administration.
The Olympics
” I’ll keep the delegation to the file of the Olympics. A delegation involving all councilors. No alderman and ‘excluded from this great work with the idea of designing a new city’ and that ‘the challenge more’ beautiful for a city ‘like ours. ”
Sabella: “In Palermo the Mafia do not know where they are, we do not know who I am”
“When I lived in Palermo I was involved in looking for fugitives, the joke that comes to me is easy: in that case, I knew who they were mobsters but did not know where they were, there probably is know where they are but people do not know who they really are, “said the new commissioner for Legality, Alfonso Sabella, shortly before the official presentation.
December 23, 2014 | 11:41
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