Friday, December 19, 2014

Stability, the government puts the trust. Vote in the night – Il Sole 24 Ore

Stability, the government puts the trust. Vote in the night – Il Sole 24 Ore

History Article


This article was published on December 19, 2014 at 20:50.
The last change is the December 19, 2014 at 21:53.

The Senate votes tonight confidence to the draft bill of stability with the first calls scheduled between ‘ 1.30 and 2. After the Council of Ministers will be held for approval of the notes to the financial statements of changes to the draft bill resulting stability. The vote on the budget draft bill is expected around 3. This was reported by the parent company Ap, Maurizio Sacconi, after the session of the group leaders. The measure, he added, “will be broadcast early tomorrow in the House” for final approval, expected before Christmas. A further conference of presidents of the groups will develop the timetable for subsequent work of the Assembly, with the incardinamento of the bill to reform the electoral law.

Mail confidence
The government has placed the trust on the maxi-amendment to the law of stability, in the Senate, presenting a text “lighter” than a score of changes compared to the agreements that were taken between parliament and government.

maxi-amendment “light”
As presented, the text of the maxi-amendment was filed in the Budget Committee, called to evaluate it in terms of funding. A step that should shed light on the actual contents of the changes. If the government had opted for a maxi-amendment “light”, ie free of some of the innovations agreed in committee, which would put at risk the coverage of the maneuver, it could lead to a turning point for the parliamentary practice.

Possible turning point for the parliamentary practice
The Budget Committee has not in fact completed the examination of the measure by a vote, and his proposal, landed in the House, is in fact, on the nodes not put to the vote, an indication of political direction. But if the government amendment would eliminate some parts of which it has formed a parliamentary orientation, this would be the first time this has happened in 65 years of parliamentary history.

Oppositions attack for delays government
During the afternoon, the constant postponements of the session pending the maxi emendamemento have sparked opposition, compact in attacking the Executive. Along with Forza Italy, which already this morning accused the government of being “amateurs,” insurgents are also Sel, and M5S League.

Brunetta (FI): real risk of temporary operation
For the blue leader in the House, Renato Brunetta, “the government is in chaos” and the maxi-amendment “ncora a ghost, pending the opinion of the State Accounting.” All the fault of the “usual gratuities patronage”, that make a real risk of provisional. “Given the texts that run at this time,” concluded Brunetta, “would not even be a bad thing.”

completed the examination of the bill budget
In the first afternoon, after a postponement to allow the Budget Committee to express an opinion on the amendments, the House of Palazzo Madama has meanwhile completed its examination of the budget bill that accompanies the maneuver, however, postponing the final vote until after the green light of the Stability Law. Following this, the government has convened a meeting at Palazzo Madama Council of Ministers to approve the variation note to the financial statements. The two measures then will return to the House for third reading and the final go-ahead, provided the maximum at the weekend following Christmas.

In Stability also the decree on ‘Imu agricultural
In the maneuver should also merge the decree extending the payment terms dell’Imu agricultural (from December 16 2014 to January 26, 2015). Among the innovations introduced in the transition to Palazzo Madama lock Tasi and freezing the fee Rai in 2015, the rebate of the tax credit for the self-IRAP, a bonus for pension funds and the pension funds to be used for investments, and the advance of the race for the award of the Lotto game. Also coming new rules on taxation and the internal stability pact for the local authorities.

Italicum incardinated after the trust to the Stability
The stability law has effectively slowed the start of electoral reform in the Senate, by shifting the target of several hours Thursday that the government and the majority had data. The arrival of the maxi-amendment with almost 24 hours of delay has upset the games. The incardinamento dell’Italicum is then slipped into the night, after the vote of confidence on the stability. This should ensure the respect of the times, however, with the approval in January.

On the way back to Rome the President of the Council, Matteo Renzi, has taken over the maxi-amendment to maneuver, making expunge different standards. He then had to wait for the new technical report of the State Accounting Office. With a referral by the hour has come, amid protests of the opposition, to 19. The proposal to convene a new group leaders that would lay a session for Saturday is not passed. Moreover Saturday the House will be committed for trial to the public Christmas concert, scheduled for Sunday. It was therefore suggested a trick: the conference of leaders, convened at 19 to determine the timing of the vote of confidence on the stability law, he also decided to include on the agenda dell’Italicum. Sel, League and M5s were put across, the Government and the majority have had to reverse deferring the leaders night for the incardinate Italicum after the vote of confidence on Stability.



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