Sunday, December 28, 2014

Greece, ferry on fire: rescued 161 people, there is a dead man on board – TGCOM

Greece, ferry on fire: rescued 161 people, there is a dead man on board – TGCOM


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– Nightmare in the middle of the Adriatic: the Norman Atlantic ferry of the Italian company “Vismar Navigation” with 478 people on board is burning and drifting between Albania and Italy after a fire from the garage has affected between decks. Already rescued 161 people but was also recovered a corpse is a greek which was launched into the sea to save themselves but drowned.

Aboard a victim – There is a victim recovered by rescuers aboard the Norman Atlantic. He said the admiral John Pettorino, chief operating department of the Coast Guard. The man, a greek citizen, he would have died in an attempt to leave the ship by throwing himself into the sea. The body is found aboard a patrol boat that is returning to Brindisi.

Renzi returns to Palazzo Chigi
– Meanwhile Prime Minister Matteo Renzi returned from Tuscany at Palazzo Chigi to follow, from Rome, the affair.

The ship docked by a tug –
After hours of trying, the tug Marietta Barretta party from the port of Brindisi was able to connect with a top the bow of Norman Atlantic. They could then begin a short stabilization operations and towing of the ship which is still drifting and burning.

Aboard Italian 22
– The Greek Ministry of Merchant Marine has informed the passenger list of the ship Norman Atlantic. To board the ship were 422 passengers. Italians are 22. The others are: 234 Greeks, one Romanian, two Russians, 6 Austrian, Hungarian 10 2 Swiss, 1 Croatian 8 Georgians, five Syrians, one Swedish, one Canadian, two Ukrainians, one Egyptian, 18 Germans 54 Turks , two Afghans, 22 Albanians 1 Maltese, 7 Bulgarians, three citizens of FYROM, two English, three Dutch, three Belgians, nine French, two Iraqis. Are 56 crew members of various nationalities.

Lifeboats water in the early hours of the day – The alarm went off in the early hours of the morning when the ferry was about twenty miles from the Albanian coast: the flames began to devour everything they encountered on their path, forcing the captain to declare the abandonment of the ship.

Ships hijacked in the area, but weather conditions make it difficult for help – Immediate relief is triggered: Greece and Italy are parties helicopters and patrol boats and the vicinity of the incident were hijacked at least half a dozen civilian ships. The operations to evacuate hundreds of people on board, however ‘, are made very difficult by poor weather conditions: both the means at sea, both the Navy and Air Force helicopters over the sea force eight, with waves of 5 meters, found a violent storm in the area and visibility very poor.

A patrol boat of the Coast Guard was able to get under the edge but could not even begin evacuation operations. A helicopter is instead managed to rescue eight people, including three children and four women, who are in the Air Force base in Galatina (Lecce), together with the first person who had been transferred from the ship, in Italian of 58 years Albanian origin and had been wounded so mild: were visited by doctors and they all look in conditions not worrying, showing only symptoms of hypothermia.

A passenger: “The shoes began to melt “- ” Our shoes had started to melt while we were in the reception area. ” He told the Greek television Mega one of the passengers rescued. The fire developed in the garage where there were about 195 cars. Conflicting reports on the number of persons on board: according to the authorities of Athens, across on the ferry there were 478 people, 268 of Greek nationality. Crew members would be 56, 34 Greek and Italian 22.

Renzi: “With Samaras we follow the story” – On what is happening also spoke Italian premier, Matthew Renzi. “We are following the story of the ferry between Greece and Italy, in contact with Prime Minister Samaras and with the maximum involvement of our Navy,” wrote the president of the Council on twitter.

Norman atlantic


The burning of Norman Atlantic




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