In the Council of Ministers Christmas was given the green light to a couple of decrees Jobs Act and ok to ‘ administration of’ ILV and the money for environmental remediation of Taranto . Species on the decrees relating to the labor reform, Matteo Renzi speak of “ Copernican Revolution “. Opposite view unions. For CGIL and Uil is a “ Gift entrepreneurs “. According to Susanna Camusso “was created abomination” to Typhoid is a “ Gift Confindustria “, while Carmerlo Barbagallo considers the measure as a “ homework assigned by Merkel .”
In the decrees regarding the Jobs Act there would l ‘ opting out – or the possibility for the employer to not reinstate their workers in the event of unjustified dismissal paying a super-compensation . In favor of this option was spent l ‘ Ncd , but eventually was made a different decision, because according to the premier “ if we had applied the opt-out would have gone beyond the delegation that Parliament had assigned us . “
Matteo Renzi has also explained that the indemnity in case of dismissal will be equal” two-month salary for each year of service, in any case not less than 4 and not more than 24 months “. For small businesses will not change anything, the ‘ compensation will be equal to a sum of between two six month – the sum increases with the increase of’ seniority service .
The premier also explains that there is no trace in the decrees of the “ poor performance ‘,’ let’s head that would have been a controversy only of judicial application. The employer can still intervene to redundancy “. It ‘also passed the decree of Taranto, which provides on the one hand the passage of’ Ilva all ‘ special administration , more funds for land reclamation, which should be around 2 billion – and for now “ are ready 800 000 000 ” – 30 million for example, will go to the Research Center of childhood cancer ‘ hospital in Taranto .
The premier stressed that these days several dossiers complexes seem to arrive at a solution for Taranto , Termini Imerese , Piombino , Gela and Meridiana . During the Council of Ministers was also named Tito Boeri president of INPS, which will replace the outgoing Commissioner Tiziano Treu .
(Photo credit by Infophoto)
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