Sunday, December 21, 2014

“On corruption wonder is not enough” – the Journal

"On corruption wonder is not enough" – the Journal

Rome – It is the responsibility of civil government Renzi version that scares the robes over all other reforms. “It is a kind of obsession of politics, and not 3 but for 30 years at least,” attacking the president ANM Rodolfo Sabelli.

So, the judges criticize the anti-corruption measures, the latest contest rules on prescription, but it is on this point that the directors of the union of the robes resolution new forms of protest, confirms the “state of mobilization” and announced “other forms” of dissent to put pressure on the executive and Parliament. Already 10 days ago, a hearing in the House Judiciary Committee, the ANM explained his concerns. The base wants more decision by leaders, but the meeting yesterday in the Supreme Court to the proposal of the Judiciary independent of a strike white was outvoted by the currents Unicost Area and that, to save the dialogue with the Keeper Andrea Orlando, did prevail protest “softer”. After the advertising page it published in newspapers dall’Anm, you continue on the line of information: posters in the court’s criticism of the reform initiatives in the Day for Justice of 17 January and press conferences at the o pening of the judicial year in the Courts appeal.

Even after the changes in interpretation of the text approved by the Senate, all’Anm not like at all the abolition of the filter of eligibility and the new cause of responsibility by misrepresentation of fact or evidence. “It is essential – says Sabelli – to rely on the guarantee of a magistrate autonomous, independent, clear in his judgment. The reform has to respect that. “

Even on other fronts magistrates continue to throw darts at the premier Matteo Renzi. Rebuked him for “weakness of the reforms, to another in large part announced that made” and the fight against corruption after the investigation Mafia Capital asking the government “less astonishment and scandal and more determination,” because “this episodic ignite flame appears ephemeral. “

In short, for the ANM the bill approved by the Council of Ministers on 12 December with the increase of the penis from 4-8 years to 6-10 and the limit to the plea agreement is not enough, indeed it can be counterproductive. More than “modest tweaks inserted quickly in some large bill,” serve effective interventions on the functionality of the criminal process. And here is grafted the controversy about news for the prescription, which for the robes are likely to expand even more time processes. The ANM criticizes the “new hypotheses temporary suspension in the early stages of appeal and the likely extension of the term ordinary.” For Sabelli, we must stop the prescription “until after the prosecution at least after the first instance judgment, stimulating the use of alternative rites and discouraging unnecessary appeals.” This, with the reduction of sentences for collaborators of justice. “We hope – says the number one ANM &# 8211; that is submitted a bill depending on the severity of the crime, more and more firmly connected to the mafia. A specific proposal, strict and effective, to be approved in very short time. “


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