Monday, December 29, 2014

Ferry on fire toll rises: 10 dead on Yellow Special … – TGCOM

Ferry on fire toll rises: 10 dead on Yellow Special … – TGCOM


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– Ten passengers dead, 427 saved, and the yellow of the missing. After 40 hours, the tragedy of the ferry Norman Atlantic traveling from Greece to Italy, does not have a certain and definitive conclusion. Salvi all 44 Italians on board, only good news of a shipwreck that has still obscure points: one on all the ship which was carrying other people who are not on the list of passengers. The premier Renzi “Avoided massacre”.

The weekly greek To Vima, considered among the most influential, has meanwhile released the number of missing 38 ,. And the Minister of Infrastructure Maurizio Lupi , during a press conference in Palazzo Chigi , was quick to point out that “making predictions about the number of missing, we also called the minister greek, it seems absolutely premature. The numbers are dancers. ” Defense Minister Roberta Pinotti confirmed: “We will continue to probe the sea to see if there were still missing.”

on the boat, adrift for several hours, c ‘ was more than a moment of Panic and rescuers had to deal with the turmoil of the castaways who huddled trying to be rescued first. The military brought before the children, women and the elderly to the level where they could go up helicopter – have told some survivors – but there were at least fifty men who beat and threw them out to take their place.

The gratitude to the rescuers who have worked tirelessly in a scenario very difficult, came today from the premier Matthew Renz over the year-end press conference. “An intervention so ‘full of passion, dedication and tenacity has prevented a real catastrophe,” he said, goes to them “my gratitude on behalf of all Italians. The work of our compatriots will render proud of tricolor and our common membership “.

The commander of the Norman Atlantic, Argilio Giacomazzi, was last on the ship, gives evidence of ‘seriousness’,” added the president of the Council. “It ‘was written a page interesting and beautiful of seriousness”, but it remains a page “dramatic for what happened and that fills my heart with sorrow for the victims.”

So while three prosecutors, Bari, Brindisi and Lecce are investigating what happened, the ship Norman Atlantice was placed under seizure while the commander Argilio Giacomazzi , and the owner of the ship, Carlo Visentini, are currently investigated for the crimes of shipwreck manslaughter, multiple manslaughter and negligent injury.

Norman atlantic
Matthew renzi


The burning of Norman Atlantic




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