Sunday, December 28, 2014

Renzi: “The critics will have to surrender” – TGCOM

Renzi: "The critics will have to surrender" – TGCOM

– Matteo Renzi returns to defend the work of his government. “You give up suddenly, when can no longer deny reality. For now, we get to work!” He wrote on Twitter in fact, the prime minister, referring to critics of the executive.

Renzi: & quot; The critics will have to give up & quot;

After the Christmas break, Renzi is back tweeting the measures set in the field by the government on the eve with the CDM, assuring that “we will go head-on.” On December 24, “turning on Taranto, labor, tax delegation, INPS while shutting disputes Termini Imerese and Meridiana. #lavoltabuona, #nonsimolla”.

sull’Ilva Renzi explains that “the project is serious and is a project Taranto (culture, port, reclamation, hospital), “and adds that the reform of the electoral law” comes, it comes. In January we are at second reading in the Senate, now we are even there. ” No CDM ahead instead for December 31: “We have already given on Christmas Eve.” The 2015 confirmation: justice reform “is a priority.”

Poletti: “The Jobs Act does not apply to state” – The Jobs Act also applies to non- state, “because the whole discussion on the enabling law was made on private employment and therefore does not apply to public employment.” And ‘what explains the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Giuliano Poletti, thus clarifying the knot raised by Pietro Ichino (Sc). “If you want to discuss the public work in Parliament there is an enabling law on Pa” he added.

Scotto (Sel): “I do not see what will be more to the young” – “I can not understand what is more to the young people from this Jobs Act”. So Arturo Scotto, leader of the House Sel, speaking on Tgcom24. “We speak of two decrees, where instead be increasing the protections there are layoffs and increasing the fixed-term employment is severely compromised, even for the balance of power within the work where the union will be worth little. I do not see the measures against insecurity: the elderly will have less than before and young people will have less of the elderly, “he stresses.

Matthew renzi
Arturo Scotto
Jobs Act
Giuliano Poletti

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