Rome The launch of the first decrees of the Jobs Act leaves behind a trail of controversy in the majority.
The clash between Ncd and the left wing of the Democratic Party has been very hard in the crucial hours drafting of the text, the leader alfaniano Sacconi and the Party Renzi, Robert Hope, exchanged tweets and statements curare, we come even to ventilate a rupture of the agreements of government.
But the prime minister, although he would have liked a text much and decided that in his heart he sided with the reformulation ‘hard’ Article 18, he eventually did prevail realpolitik: judging highly unlikely that the new center is in a position to trigger a crisis of government under the pretext of Article 18, preferred not to fuel tensions with the large body of the left Democratic Party. So he decided to soft line: via the so-called “opting out”, ie the possibility for the entrepreneur to circumvent the requirement for reinstatement of the dismissed worker unfairly pouring some sort of super-compensation, which also Matteo Renzi not mind at all ; and no right of dismissal for “poor performance.” Prevailed in short, the home front to the Democratic Party, led by Hope and the chairman of the Labour Cesare Damiano, who tried to the last to sweeten the bitter pill for the left, and that according to insiders asked and also found a bank a t the Quirinale. President Napolitano, even without considering the merits of the text, he suggested to avoid dangerous ideological conflict within the Democratic Party, especially on the eve of a crucial event like the election of his successor. Argument that the prime minister, who needs to shrink the most of their party to deal with the game of the Hill, is not insensitive.
For two days, as told by the same Damiano, he and Hope did “raise hell” because the decrees were as close as possible to the compromise reached in the Democratic Party at the time of the launch of the Jobs Act, advocating their cause with Renzi, chief economist with the Pd Taddei, with the Deputy Secretary Guerini, and finding attentive ears in the Minister of Labour Poletti: “A month ago we sweated to make an agreement on disciplinary dismissals that would make it digestible to the left, if the government back reopens all the diatribe and the CGIL will have good game to unleash again the protest. While a good compromise we silence the Camusso and strengthen the attitude dialoguing CISL, “they argued. And in the end the prime minister ended the game in the Council of Ministers arrogating to himself the choice: “There is a time when a leader, or presumed, assumes responsibility for the final choices,” he said at a press conference on the eve of Christmas, presenting the text.
On the left just the usual Fassina and Civati continue to complain accusing Renzi of “follow the Troika.” To stay with the match in hand in the majority is instead Ncd, who had to collect the defeat: “I feel a lot of disappointment, the mountain gave birth to a mouse. You lack the courage of great choices, “complains Sacconi. To rub salt into the wounds of alfaniani there you are putting Forza Italy. “Regarding Article 18 are pathetic,” mocks Maurizio Gasparri. “The labor reform seems the result of real strife within the majority and of the government,” rages Paolo Romani. “Ncd proves marginal in the government,” says Elvira Savino. Sacconi replica dryly: “Ncd has lived and transient abnormal coexistence with the left in the back straight. The right is just propaganda. “
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