Saturday, December 20, 2014

Corruption, President Anm to the Government: “Less amazement and more … – The Messenger

Corruption, President Anm to the Government: "Less amazement and more … – The Messenger

The reform of the civil liability of judges “is a kind of obsession of politics, and not three but thirty years at least.”

A denounce President ANM, Rodolfo Sabelli, at the opening of the Central Steering Committee which was held today in Rome, convened to decide the mobilization initiatives on the basis of the resolution passed by ‘ extraordinary meeting on 9 November.

“How to corruption, the tone of indignation that the entire policy has lifted the explosion of yet another serious scandal clash with the weakness of the announced government proposals, increased pain and limitations the plea bargain – even warned President ANM – Proposals which might discourage cooperation and make even more firmly that covenant that binds corrupt and corrupting nell’omertà of an agreement based on common convenience. ” Sabelli then reiterated the hope that the “submission of a bill fits the seriousness of this crime, more and more firmly connected to the mafia.”

A proposal, he explained, ” targeted, strict and effective, to be approved in a very short time, which collects the information contained in international conventions and provides rewards for those who collaborate, effective investigative tools and broad equivalence, for the purpose of the proceedings, including corruption and organized crime. ” “We hope that there are a few limitations however, modest tweaks, inserted in a hurry in some large bill – concluded Sabelli – destined to long distances parliamentarians and perhaps get bogged down, once diminished the indignation of the moment and filed I remember the last scandal. “

The proposed reform of the prescription” announced in late August and still under development, “might” if not accompanied by solutions to stamp out any attempt to unnatural time dilation process, paradoxically aggravate even more the duration of the processes. ” A proposal that “seems to move towards the introduction of two new types of temporary suspension in the stages of appeal – he said – plus the recent announcement of a likely extension of the term ordinary.” “If the prescription is the scandal that disperses work and resources then the legislature should block until after the prosecution (as well it would be reasonable) at least after the first instance judgment,” stressed Sabelli. “Lock the prescription not only conforms to justice – he concluded Anm – but will stimulate the use of alternative rites and discourage unnecessary appeals.”


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