Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ilva in receivership. Renzi: “I hope the best results … – The Daily

Ilva in receivership. Renzi: "I hope the best results … – The Daily


Ilva will special administration at the beginning of January. It has formalized the chairman of the board Matteo Renzi at the end of the Council of Ministers of 24 December, confirming the decree ad hoc “unless agreed” that establishes the ‘ startup a Marzano to measure the steel plant in Taranto “as for the ‘ Alitalia , with hopefully better results.” In short, then, there is the appointment of “one or more commissioners,” he said Renzi still without lifting a veil on the names of candidates for the succession of Piero Gnudi . As for the length of the procedure, according to former rottamatore, “public investment will be successful if intended for a limited time, between a minimum of 18 months and a maximum of 36 “. Renzi then quantified in 2 billion euro the total investment of Taranto. “The money from the port and infrastructure outside Ilva already unlocked, amounted to some 800 million euro. The environmental clearance and rehabilitation are worth, estimated in a superficial way, more than one billion euro, “said the prime minister again. But it is not clear whether in the computation of the sum there are also 1.2 billion seized the Riva family for alleged crimes of exchange and tax, as part of an investigation into the Milan still open, which will be awarded to Special Commissioner of Ilva in a “special accounts”. As for the measures, in addition to Ilva, the plan includes the redevelopment of Taranto port (quay and container terminal), the Old Town, the National Archaeological Museum and the Arsenal of the Navy. Thirty million will instead be used for the center of research on childhood cancers of the city hospital. The prime minister then spoke of “a big bet” and “moments in the history of a country in which the administration must have the courage to assume its responsibilities.”

The issue of accountability has been called concerned also about the decisions taken on the Jobs Act, of which were launched the first two decrees on permanent contract in protections dell’Aspi increasing and extending to 24 months – in this case with a yes “unless arrangements” – including new rules for layoffs , with the ‘ compensation that for new contracts will replace in most cases the reinstatement of’ Article 18 . “There is a very touchy and sensitive political climate, even with a thinking ideological attentive to commas, but we have taken the responsibility to decide,” said Renzi. The reference is to the left of the political spectrum, that the right and in particular to Ncd , at the center of a clash that has kept the pressure up to the last: on the one hand those who, from right, wanted l ‘ opting out , ie the possibility of excluding the reinstatement for unfair dismissal, the other who, from left, demanded more protection. The tug of war going on for weeks continued right up to the meeting of the executive making slip the beginning of more than two hours. On the eve, Maurizio Sacconi had issued a warning bringing up the very life of the government. And the ministers of the new center-right have tried to the last to establish itself in the CDM, reaching even to ventilate can not attend the meeting.

“Where were you when governavate?”, Joked the ex post ‘ former mayor of Florence. “If we are here is because we have made choices, so good party game and Merry Christmas. We made choices on the text (which excludes the opting out, ed ) and we are also open to proposals for change that will be made in the Commission and ready, if necessary, also to revise our beliefs, “he said speaking of” Copernican Revolution “. “Other than the Copernican revolution, the government Renzi has deleted permanent job, generalizing the casualization of labor relations in Italy”, was the reply by return of the secretary of the CGIL, Susanna Camusso speaks of rules “unfair, wrong and punitive.” According to the union “to review the rules you wonder what they ever did workers Matteo Renzi. For the first time the government renounces the economic policy procuring businesses recovery allowing the freedom to lay off anyway. Reversing the burden of proof , which now will fall on the shoulders of workers, creating an abomination, thereby charging the weakest part of the employment relationship and blackmail the demonstration of the injustice of his dismissal. ” For this reason, the CGIL will continue “to oppose so strong and determined to these rules unjust, wrong and punitive, against workers and will use all the tools at its disposal to restore the rights of workers.”


PLUGS CASE ILVA – The executive, however, seems determined to keep going. The measures launched on Christmas Eve over to touch the burning issues as Ilva and the Jobs Act, is not unique to certain subtopics. They range from the appointment of the Chief of the Defence Claudio Graziano , the prefect of Naples Gerarda Pants , the president of ‘ INPS Tito Boeri and Councillor for the third sector Vincenzo Manes, the expected decree on rules for tax offenses , through the infamous Milleproroghe that, did you know in real time the Minister of public administration Marianna Madia , includes the extension of the contracts of the temporary workers of the provinces . The most thorny, however, remains that Ilva which carries more than an unknown. Not only for the position of shareholders, the Riva but also their minority shareholders Amenduni , for weeks awaiting the details of the decree to evaluate a ‘ legal action against expropriation. Or that of the creditors , banks (exposed to 1.5 billion euro) as well as suppliers (350 million). Do not underestimate the role of ‘ Europe and the risk that Rome easy run into a tussle with Brussels state intervention alongside the steel financially (and not only) to a minimum and on which are included, in addition to cleaning up the system with the adaptation to the requirements of ‘ Hague , also damage claims for more than 30 billion.

details of the re-nationalization, however, have not yet been revealed, as the executive, as expected, within the Decree Development area of ​​Taranto , has “limited “to kick off the extraordinary administration by closing the commissioner and extending the procedures of the special administration for businesses of essential public services also” to operators of an industrial establishment of national strategic interest. ” Objective: “ensure the continuation of productive activity by ensuring that corporate resources are primarily intended for this purpose.” Especially as the management of the company “will be considered public benefit activities and actions by environmental plan are declared urgent and can not be postponed.” The die, therefore, is now suddenly and you just have to wait for the appointment of commissioners and their first moves. As an indication of the public entity candidate to enter the society – the hypotheses circulated so far speak of a new company which will be transferred to the production activities and employees of Ilva, alongside the bad company in receivership on Parmalat model – and the exact amount of the investment will be carried out with taxpayers’ money.

THE PLAN TARANTO – Much more defined plan Taranto regarding “the redevelopment and enhancement of urban emergencies, history and culture, providing a table institutions involved established at the Presidency of the Council, identifying precise responsibilities and times , and simplification and acceleration, “as a statement of the executive. The implementation of interventions “is secured and governed by a specific Contract Institutional Development Taranto and a unique institutional governance,” says the press fixing in 30 days after the entry into force of the law the term for setting up the table itself will be composed of a representative of the Presidency of the Council and one for each of the Ministries of Development, Environment, Infrastructure, Defence and Cultural Heritage, as well as regional, provincial, City of Taranto, common area, Port Au thority, Special Commissioner for the reclamation, environmental improvements and upgrading of Taranto, Special Commissioner of the port (with extended powers to all the works and infrastructure projects for the extension and upgrading the port “to the competitive standards of the Mediterranean”) and Invitalia. Accelerated procedures, therefore, both for the port and for the city: the green formal of agencies and ministries need to approve of the actions and the planned works, it will be considered as received by once after the 30 days of the request .

CRIMES TAX, LEGAL CERTAINTY – Abuse of rights delimited, reformulation of tax offenses and collaboration between large companies and tax authorities. Instead these three aspects of the legislative decree on legal certainty that implements the tax delegation long awaited by businesses. “Giving tax certainty is a very important thing,” said Renzi, in the press conference after the CDM, stressing that now with “clarity of the rules and penalties for those who evade tightened”, you can reverse the relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers and not see “the more the public as an enemy,” reducing “at the same time the pressure bureaucratic”. Moreover, the Decision was the main dish because it rewrites the rules of the abuse of that right now coincide in all respects with the ‘ circumvention and will be challenged by the ta x authorities. But the assessment must be preceded by a request for clarification to the taxpayer who will have 60 days to respond. If in the meantime were to expire the term for the controls triggered an automatic extension of 60 days to issue the warning. Although in itself, the abuse of the right will not be criminally prosecuted , but the offense will take only when you configure a fraud (for example for a simulation by the taxpayer). Under the slope closely tributary, the abuse will not be contestable by the court and “manifest” in the presence of three conditions: lack of a economic reason of operations, allows taxpayers to obtain from the transaction tax advantage undue , the advantage will be the main consequence of the operation.

THE RETURN OF milleproroghe, MA “LIGHT” – The Council of Ministers approved “the most Milleproroghe light of the history of recent years, with a score of extensions. It ‘a measure very short, tight as a number of standards, we have been very strict with ourselves, “he finally secured Renzi. Unable to verify immediately, as the text has not been made available, and have been put in black and white only “the themes of some of the major extensions”. That depart from the government with the assumptions of the insecure provinces , the extension of the contracts entered into by management to complete ‘ Agency of the drug, ‘ s use of the lists valid also for the appropriate Cultural and the renewal command staff of firefighters . Following the confirmation of the ban on cross-ownership of television and newspapers . And yet, the two-year extension of the deadline for the privatization of the Italian Red Cross proposal of the Minister of Health Beatrice Lorenzin as “functional need to find and implement the most appropriate solutions in relation to the redeployment of staff that might be redundant. As well as the time required for approval of the Legislative Delegation concerning the reorganization Ente contained in the draft bill currently before the Senate Lorenzin “.

According to the latest drafts circulated in recent days, will also be extended a year, on 31 December 2015, the deadline for the adjustment to the fire regulations of the tourist and hotel. This is the sixth extension. Eleventh confirmation, instead of the annual renewal of the measures that provide for the dissolution of the councils of local for not approving the budget within the prescribed period and the subsequent assignment to the prefect of the relative powers of substitution to approve the budget and to check for safeguarding the budget balances. One more year for the special accounting letterhead to the prefectures of the provinces of Monza, Fermo and Barletta for the completion of operations for the branch offices of the provinces. Extended only until 30 June 2015, however, the possibility of using the security guards in the Anti-Piracy Maritime . While the slide of tw o years, at the end of 2016, the end of the application of the rules on loans made by the Bank of Italy and secured by assignment or pledge of credit. Four, then, months granted more for the determination of the general criteria which must conform the Undertakings for collective investment (UCITs) Italian, as well as had been defined by the decree Competitiveness.

The Agreement was extended by one year, however, the deadline for the adoption of the decree of the Ministry of Economic Development for the determination of the taxation applicable to fuels used in cogeneration plants ( combined production of electricity and heat). Consequently, in order to identify the quantities of fuel subject to the rates on the production of electricity, will continue to apply the coefficients identified by the Authority for Electricity and Gas, reduced by 12 percent. Then confirmed for 2015 the roof for the Public Administrations for the ‘ purchase of real estate and furniture . The rule is that you can not make expenses total more than 20% “of the expenditure incurred on average in the years 2010 and 2011″ for the purchase of furniture and fixtures, except for use of school and childcare services, unless the purchase is functional to the reduction of costs associated with the running of the properties. ” Deadline extended to 12 months for the limit to the restatement (and counting) of fees to members of the policy, management and control, boards of directors and governing bodies. Stuck for another year even automatically adjusting the lease passive for properties held by public administrations.

Last but not least , dealers of existing motorways pardoned by the Minister Maurizio Lupi with the Unlock Italy, will have six more months to submit to the Minister of Transport the changes the concession for the structural strengthening, technological and environmental motorway infrastructure. Ie to submit their investment plan in exchange for renewal of the concession without going through a race. They make a pendant three months longer granted to the Ministry of Transport to issue ministerial decree with the criteria and procedures for payment of annual fees access to roads Anas . As well as confirmation of anticipation throughout 2015 of 10% of the price in the public contracts . The rule changes the Do dl of 2013 , which provides for the procurement contracts “for the payment in favor of the contractor an advance equal to 10 of the contract.& #8221; In the case of contracts relating to long-term work, the anticipation should be compensated by the amount of payments made during the first year accounting. The slowness in bringing the results, then, does not brake figures such as the liquidator of ‘ Agency for conducting the Olympic Games Torino 2006 whose office since 2008 has been extended for another two years. According to the original provisions Domenico Arcidiacono would still have to run out its tasks within three years. Closes the circle moving another year, the ninth, the entry into force of the ban on landfill of waste with calorific value of less than 13,000 KJ / Kg. So this particular type of waste, such as are the bituminous , will continue to be disposed of in landfills. The ban, introduced in 2003 and always slipped, was intended to limit the use of landfills and enhance the recovery of energy from waste that can not be fu rther enhanced through recycling.

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