Friday, December 26, 2014

Jobs Act, CGIL and UIL: “Unsubscribe rights” Clash redundancies … – BBC

Jobs Act, CGIL and UIL: "Unsubscribe rights" Clash redundancies … – BBC

Milan , December 26, 2014 – 19:09


On the Jobs Act are very hard CGIL and UIL who speak of ‘delegation blank discretionary dismissal. ” For the CISL instead the “text can be improved.” On the political front is Cesare Damiano (left dem, president of the House Labor Committee) to put a “halt” heavy on the theme of collective redundancies: “Party to be reviewed.” The labor reform also lights up the tension between Fi and Ncd. Eloquent tweet of the parent company in the Senate Maurizio Gasparri – ‘NDC pathetic on Article 18′ – which replica Maurizio Sacconi , President of the Senate Committee on Labor: from Fi “just propaganda ‘ . Here, in summary, the reactions to the green light given by the cabinet to decrees on the Jobs Act.

CGIL: green light to layoffs discretionary

To CGIL, the new measures give “the green light to companies to lay off workers on a discretionary individual and groups of workers.” “More than the Copernican revolution – writes the union led by Camusso that hot had spoken of” abomination “- we are in a blank proxy to companies that are contracted growth.” He adds, in a dossier: “These measures affecting collective and individual rights” (- READ THE TEXT OF THE ORDERS ). Above all, according to the union, to the so-called disciplinary dismissals are using “a formulation that essentially makes it possible to dismiss for disciplinary reasons although dismissal for subjective reasons included a sanction or less although the fact attributable to the employee is not legally relevant.” In essence, he adds, it all comes down “a few months of survival ‘and’ administration of a voucher for active politic s but not borne by the company that fired without just cause but to general income taxation.”

UIL more complicated labor relations

For the UIL applying to collective redundancies of the system of penalties provided by the new decree implementing the Jobs Act for layoffs individual involves “high risk” (WATCH THE KEY POINTS). Is convinced of the confederal secretary of Uil, William Loy , that the rule “will make it more complicated processes of restructuring and difficult union agreements, with the grave danger of unfairness in the selection of workers to be made redundant by the company. ” According Loy, if in the future generates again a story similar to that of Electrolux, instead of being able to keep the job as it happened, “the workers to be made redundant verrebebro selected without fair criteria and should be at home with a handful of money ‘ .

CISL: improved text

“The text of the Government on the Jobs Act is still improved, in particular as regards the rules on collective redundancies.” So in a statement the confederal secretary of the CISL, Gigi Petteni , head of the labor market.

Gasparri “Ncd pathetic on article 18″

On the political front, in addition to the distinction of Goofy Civati ​​, minority dem, which speaks of” ugly Christmas gifts to workers with “contract protections reduced” “Cashing the controversy-Fi Ncd. The first attack, the second replicate. Elvira Savino. “The statements, anything but enthusiastic, friends of Ncd Act on jobs -said the deputy of Fi – testify to the margins of their party within the ruling coalition whose golden share is increasingly in the hands of the Left Democratic Party and the CGIL. ” And Gasparri tweets: “Sacconi irate to defeat, Schifani pretends victory, Quagliariello media, Cicchitto sbarella, Ncd pathetic on art. 18. ” Attacks to which Sacconi reply thus: “The New Centre-Right has lived and transient abnormal coexistence with the left in the back straight. Our proposals have been loud and clear and mediations are recognized as such. O n the right, on the contents, only confusion and propaganda. ”

Damiano: collective redundancies, to be reviewed

“The new rules also cover redundancies – that the procedure disciplimata by a 1991 law that relates to the reduction of staff in view of the heavy restructuring – this is a point that for us to be changed. ” So the president of the Labour Commission of the Chamber, Cesare Damiano (Pd). “As for us – he explains – the amendment of Article 18 should affect only individual dismissals for new recruits.” Another correction would invest the number of monthly compensation for Damiano “you should start in six companies over 15 employees” and not four, as before the decree implementing the Jobs Act.

On attorre: “It could be worse, could be raining “

” It could be worse, could it rain. ” The Bersani Alfredo D’Attorre paraphrase a famous line from Frenkenstein Jr., comic masterpiece of Mel Brooks to say that no, the decrees of the Jobs Act does not go at all in the right direction, that the “judgment is negative “, but that could have been worse. On Attorre not attack the actions of the government with the vehemence of Stefano Fassina – that says “Renzi follows the agenda of the Troika” – or Civati. It begins with the failure to extend protections to workers, the so-called safeguards growing: for Civati ​​it is just reduced protections and even D’Attorre does not see “any real extension of protections for temporary workers, given the level of resources totally unsatisfactory provided for this purpose in the law of stability. ” Even sull’annunciato thinning jungle contractual “ ;I think that the outcome is rather disappointing: the state, the jobs act is reduced to a partial abolition of Article 18 and greater ease for companies to lay off.”

December 26, 2014 | 19:09



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