Friday, December 19, 2014

DdI stability, the maxi-amendment the government asks confidence – BBC

DdI stability, the maxi-amendment the government asks confidence – BBC

Milan , December 19, 2014 – 16:37


After a stop and go that seems endless, the government raises the question of trust the maxi-amendment to the Law of Stability 2015 which confirms, among other measures, the 80 euro and the severance pay in payroll. On Friday stretched well past midnight the work in the Senate and the vote of confidence is expected only in the night.
After the calls, which should start between 1:30 and 2, followed by the CDM to approve the notice of change in the budget and, alone in the night, there will be a final vote of the budget law (which must then come back to the House)
Protests have accompanied once again classroom discussion. In particular, in the evening the senators have taken on a number of errors in the maxi-amendment. “The government agrees and apologizes for the mistakes but also in the technical report, we tried to make the text more readable,” said the Deputy Minister for Economics Enrico Morando. “The substantive content is not modified and the presidency is responsible to make corrections,” reiterated the president of the Senate Grasso.
But tempers were not appeased. “Forza Italy leaves the classroom and invites the other oppositions to do the same,” announced during the discussion of the parent Fi Paolo Romani, convinced that “it is not in a position to continue.” M5S, Sel League and instead have stigmatized the drafting of the text and the technical report. Senators pentastellati also demanded the return to committee to be able to continue work Monday.

The next steps

The maneuver, barring unforeseen circumstances, should arrive Saturday the House for the final okay. The Bureau integrated by representatives of the Groups of the Budget Committee of the House, as stated on the website of the House, is summoned to the 19. The committee will meet again on Sunday at 10 am


The question of confidence on the maxi-amendment to the law of stability has been asked by the Minister of Relations with Parliament Maria Elena Boschi, amid protests of the House, who claimed the failure to can still see the text. The President then called the Fat conference of leaders to decide time for discussion and vote. The maxi-amendment was sent to the Budget Committee for the verification of the classroom only covers presented later in the evening.


During the brawl Senator of the Five Star Alberto Airola, addressing the president Grasso who apologized for the delay with which it had been resumed the session has shouted: “President is not you who has to apologize, but the government.”


Previously the Senate had completed its examination of the amendments to the budget bill. The work had been suspended to allow you to complete the work of the Budget Committee, on amendments to the Law of Stability. “We still need a bit ‘of time,” explained the Deputy Minister of Economy, Enrico Morando, speaking in the classroom. “I am committed to making sure that it could soon begin our work regularly” with the presentation of the maxi-amendment “on which the government will put the trust.” However, the amendment has been slow for long. Under the lens, in particular, the proposals voted, or on which there was agreement, however, in the Senate. Of these, according to reports from parliamentary sources, would be thirty those in danger of “jumping.”


The maxi-amendment should contain measures to ease the cuts to the employees of the Provinces. The unions said they were indeed ready to occupy the various offices in the provinces if you do not find a compromise. The text should also find a place in reduction of VAT for ebooks to 4%, the increase of the one on the “pellet”, heating fuel 10-22%, freezing throughout 2015 and most of the fee Rai Tasi .

shadow carousel


Stability, work in the Senate


In particular the most contested measure, that of possible cuts to the staff of the provinces, which go towards abolition, Undersecretary to the Prime Minister Graziano Delrio said that “The staff of the provinces will not stay on the street but will be absorbed by blocking all the assumptions in all government departments and related.” Delrio stressed that the maxi-amendment to the law of stability there will be an “element of certainty and uncertainty as some have mistakenly emphasized.”
Subsequently also the Minister of Public Administration, Marianna Madia, sought to reassure employees of the provinces with a tweet: “Employees provinces have confidence Tuesday at 13 encounter with Lanzetta CGIL, CISL and UIL to explain the path.”

December 19, 2014 | 16:37



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