Sunday, December 21, 2014

Renzi: ‘There is a deal with Berlusconi for the Quirinale’ – La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno

Renzi: 'There is a deal with Berlusconi for the Quirinale' – La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno

The capital is not the Mafia and not be left to those who steal.
“Rome must start” because “say that they are all guilty plays into the hands of criminals.”
was stated by Prime Minister Matteo Renzi in an interview published by the Messenger and the Gazzettino, where in addition to the Capitol to urge not stand still, also spoke on the issues of justice and the game Quirinale. “The magistrates speak with investigations and sentences,” says Renzi replying to criticism ANM on fighting corruption: “The tools we have to fight and were increased, we are the government that has put Canton to ‘Anti-corruption, and wants to restore false accounting. ”
Hardness on each other Roman, warns, “but then it is crucial that you get to judgment.” “When the time – says instead about the Colle, – it is called the successor Napolitano” but “the Nazarene was signed a year ago, when the resignation was not on the agenda”, and “this is the reason why not There is no preventive pact between Pd and Fi “.
“Today – adds – those who just want to burn them names.”
Renzi hopes, however, a large majority for the election of the new head of state.
“Vendola proposes Prodi for Colle? You remember in ’98 when he sent home the prof, now makes the game M5S and the League.” Asked then if Italy will respect the ceiling of 3% since the Italian maneuver is done largely in deficit, Prime Minister assures: “Italy will comply with the rules. Rule of the deficit, the debt rule, investment rule .
And rule of common sense. ” The plane will take off
Juncker? “For me – says Renz i – is a first step.
With a major innovation: the investments are separated from the Stability Pact.
This is a cultural revolution for Europe. We will insist to enhance this approach “. ->


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